Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Archer Avenue walls get a facelift

"Team P/J Clean Up Jamaica Now wins big on the trestle saga. Friday, 9/19/14, work began; the trestle was cleaned & painted. This is a result of a long fierce fight between team P/J and the borough president/Melinda Katz's staff.

The trestle, located on Guy R. Brewer Boulevard between Archer & Liberty avenues was a national disgrace. It is a few feet away from York College. Most appalling, is that residents had no choice. Residents had to stand in the unhealthy, despicable site because it is a bus stop.

For years the trestle, connecting walls and the entire area were neglected by the DOS and LIRR. They remained unkept and filthy with a mountain of garbage, grease and grime. That was until last year when team P/J decided on a relentless pursuit.

Method Of Operation -- WHAT EVER THE HELL IT TAKES.

Earlier this year, the LIRR president/ Helena Williams promised that the area will get a facelift around the third quarter. However, everyone was dragging their feet as time grew near.

Ms. Boranian/ liaison at the borough president's office could not give a specific time frame on which work would start. Further, told me, " If you cannot wait, you can clean it yourself."

That is exactly what team P/J and supporters attempted on Labour Day weekend; with my comrade-in-arms, Joe video taping. However, the area was so stink and dingy that it needed a professional undertaking.

Team P/J continued on the relentless pursuit with supporters' enforcement. That brings us back to the work in progress that began last week.

There is very positive feed back from residents. Here are some comments:
"I feel more comfortable when standing here now."
"Wow, is this the same trestle."
"Waiting here for the bus is no longer a scornful experience."
"It is long overdue."

Scenes from the trestle wall on Archer Avenue.

The manager, Bob said, that he does not know when the work will be completed. He was very friendly and polite. Also, he provided me with a follow up number.

Team P/J will remain on the case until its completion. Special thanks to my comrade. His video of clean up events, has proven to be our most effective tool yet." - Pamela Hazel


Kevin Walsh said...

I give it 2 days tops before it's completely tagged.

Anonymous said...

In the old days,the anti graf cops would sit on a clean location and scoop up these morons.........but now they're down to about a dozen cops and the CO is an a$$.

Anonymous said...

n the old days,the anti graf cops would sit on a clean location and scoop up these morons.........but now they're down to about a dozen cops and the CO is an a$$.


georgetheatheist said...

I'm always amazed that when people paint walls and fences, they never use drop cloths or masking tape so you see paint splattering on the sidewalk. Think people. Think.

Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed that when people paint walls and fences, they never use drop cloths or masking tape so you see paint splattering on the sidewalk.

Actually George, in this case, what you see on the sidewalk under that trestle is an overabundance of bird crap. No one cleans or power sprays the sidewalk.

Anonymous said...

George you're right they are painting sloppy.
Those are not Union painters.
I can tell no white uniforms...

Anonymous said...

Those are not Union painters.

Maybe they're guys who are doing "community service" due to non-violent, low-level crimes? There are several guys in orange vests who are supervised by some no-nonsense woman who periodically pick up trash on the sidewalks around the York College campus as well as in its parking lot - they're definitely from some outside program.

georgetheatheist said...

That abundance of round, black splotches you see on the sidewalk -check out the photo with the lady with the green skirt - is not bird crap but melted, blackened chewing gum. I had a relative visit from Europe who asked me just what those splotches were on the sidewalk all over NYC. He couldn't help but notice. I told them that the citizenry spits their gum wads on the public thoroughfare. He looked at me like I had 2 heads in total disbelief that people in NYC would actually expectorate their chewing gum onto the pedestrian walk. He was utterly dumbfounded.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of gum spitting and blackened chewing gum Queensborough Community College just had their large center outside mall redone with stone pavers. Needless to say wonderful students have spit gum all over the new mall making it look like crap again. Now the cleaning staff has to steam pressure wash for days removing the gum.

Anonymous said...

George , ask your relative from europe if she feels horrified when she is forced to become a muslim or die. Yeah, europe, great place.......

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