Sunday, August 17, 2014

Just a friendly reminder...

I know it's frustrating when people repeatedly park in your driveway, but painting your curb could get you a fine.


Scott68 said...

It may be ugly, but some citizen was forced to do this as the community let him or her down.

Sometimes it takes some initiative to make a point.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to communist New York.

Mike Francesa said...

Park some motorcycles on the sides.

Anonymous said...

I heard if you paint your curb "bus stop yellow" the fine is $500 per day. C'mon NYC raise some dough.

Anonymous said...

At least 3 times a year I have some idiot towed from in front of my driveway. The 107 is very cooperative and the tow company is very speedy once the ticket is put on the car. Most times I have them towed because they block my driveway when my car is visibly in the driveway about 15 feet away. I try not to tow them if I'm stuck outside of my driveway but sometimes they leave the car there for 12-15 hours, then I tow.

Anonymous said...

if someone is blocking your driveway, i believe you can call a private tow truck and have the car towed

Anonymous said...

I had a person park in my driveway for three straight days. I reported the problem to my local precinct and they said they were too busy to come around. I reported it again the next day and the same response.
Finally I saw a patrol car and flagged it down. I told the officer of my problem and he said he was too busy to write a ticket. What??? He told me tough. It's Queens, live with it and laughed.
Before He drove away I said asshole.
That changed everything. He got out of the car and tried to intimidate me by threatening to arrest me for disorderly conduct. Now I laughed and pointed to a camera on a nearby neighbor's home. He backed of and called me a f*cking troublemaker.
A hour later a patrol car showed up and ticketed the offending vehicle. The officer writing the ticket refused to speak with me or answer questions.
In two hours the car was moved by it's owner and on my sidewalk was the ticket, ripped and crumpled up.

Anonymous said...

Anon no.2: Who is the Communist - the person who painted the line or the people who block the driveways?

Anonymous said...

If you want to have a car towed first it must be ticketed. The 107 is pretty cooperative, but I've had the ticket put on by a ticket agent who was on my commercial strip and was happy to walk 3 blocks to write a ticket for me. Then you call a tow company and they come right away because it is money to them.

Anonymous said...

No, not the person who painted it, the city government who's fines for nothing.

Anonymous said...

If someone Parks in front of my driveway, I'd call a tow truck in a heartbeat! Even if you paint it yellow and put up a "no parking" sign in front of your driveway, foreigners will not care, they will park there anyway!

Unknown said...

I have no problem w/this paint. I actually wished it was done in a similar manner for fire hydrants, so you don't break for a space that isn't legal. If you saw RED paint jetting out, you'd keep driving. Just an idea.

Anonymous said...

You should have made a ccrb against the lazy cop. And yes the cops are busy because we let the pols cut 5000 cops from the payroll! What is the city doing with all the money saved by having less must write all your local pols and whatever councilman w chairs the public safety and demand more cops and also the 300 civilians that were cut......the squeaky wheel gets the grease!

Anonymous said...

Call 311 with all the details - plate number and state, make and color of the vehicle.

It doesn't work 100 percent of the time. For me its been about 75 percent, and that's a lot of satisfaction there - and I have seen a repeat offender.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. That should read "I have never seen a repeat offender".

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