Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Murder increase not necessarily bad according to Bratton

From the Politicker:

Police Commissioner Bill Bratton is still optimistic the city can close out 2014 with under 300 homicides–but if murders or shootings increase for 2014 compared to last year, he said he wouldn’t consider it a failure.

“No, in the sense that policing is, in this city, always about using information to assign our resources to end up with a positive result. But the reality is that we are not totally in control of those results,” Mr. Bratton said at a press conference regarding the NYPD’s plan to move more than 300 cops into neighborhoods with the most shootings.

An increase in shooting incidents compared to this time last year–murders are still down year-to-date compared to 2013–has garnered considerable press attention, and drawn commentary from some city Republicans and others claiming the spike is due to a decrease in the use of stop and frisk.

But Mr. Bratton, who spoke alongside charts showing past years where shootings have gone up only to continue an overall downward trend, swatted down rhetoric that the city was returning to its more dangerous days.

“I do not anticipate at the end of the year that we’re going to have an increase, but if we do, I don’t think it’s going to be so significant to be of concern–the idea that the sky is falling, or that the good-old-bad days are coming back again, not at all. This is an incredibly safe city,” Mr. Bratton said.

While Mr. Bratton said the department is always concerned about any spike in crime, he dismissed the idea that the city was “in crisis” or that “this is starting to get out of control.”

“As you can see in years past, we’ve had years where homicides went up, years past where shootings went up,” Mr. Bratton said. “The city didn’t fall apart. It wasn’t the end of the world. We addressed it, the next year it went down.”

This summer the NYPD will move 313 officers from desk jobs to high crime precincts, where they’ll walk the beat, Mr. Bratton announced at the press conference. Another 25 to 30 extra cops will shift to Operation Impact, which also targets high-crime spots, and Mr. Bratton noted many of the young officers who recently graduated the Police Academy would also be in high-crime neighborhoods.


Mike Francesa said...

Most of the people the criminal blacks are shooting are other criminal blacks. Eventually the problem will take care of itself. Assuming the Blaz doesn't try and integrate the criminal blacks with the city's hard working middle class population this isn't anything to worry about.

Anonymous said...

Equality to these people mean that the whole city experiences the same level of crime,mayhem and disorder do we all should be worried about leftism

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with a higher murder rate as long as it is the right people being killed.

Gang members in the hood killing other gang members in the hood shooting each other over who has the right to sell drugs on that corner doesn't concern me. In fact it saves the taxpayers money. We don't have to pay their benefit card and welfare, and its one less person in and out of the overcrowded court/ jail system.

But then again I'm sure that the community activists will have marches for these saints who had so much potential, and then blast the police dept for not doing their job even though they are the ones who handcuffed the police from doing their jobs in the first place.

Anonymous said...

all the facilitators of the criminal counter culture sharpton et al say no more stop and frisk, well this is what you get the wild west this is the city that diblasio wants less police, less police power and city hall backing, more criminal element ruling the street, less normal people can go out and enjoy themselves. hope everyone who wasn't around in the 1970's enjoys the redux.

Anonymous said...

So, murders are increasing at a declining rate?

Anonymous said...

Just a thought...how many of these re-assigned cops will be on the street or working at night when most of the shootings occur?

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to know if crime is rising if you exclude the shootings where a gang member is the intended victim. The problem is that these are not very accurate shooters and they are killing non-combatant neighbors.

Anonymous said...


JQ said...

bratton's flip remark is disturbing.if its not murder there is no cause for alarm.It's like he is blatantly fudging crime stats,which went on for years under r. kelly.

and where is brooklyn boro prez adams on this?forget sharpton and his minions,this guy,if he actually cared,should be able to address this blight considering being a former cop and(excuse me for being white)being black.There is no leadership going on.

stop and frisk is unconstitutional,it's too bad the city needed a judge to remind the nypd.unless the lack of enforcement is intentional so they can rouse up fear in the projects to reinstate it.

Anonymous said...

IN NYC, like Chicago, the draconian gun laws result in only criminals having guns, making them even more brazen and murderous, and leaving citizens helpless.

Anonymous said...

Stop,question and Frisk is not unconstitutional, it comes from the case of Terry v Ohio. Doesn't matter,with Local Law 71 no cop will put his financial future on the line for the ingrates and libs in this city......

Anonymous said...

impeach him now.

dinkins and Koch enabled a 2500 per year murder rate.90 % minority.

rudy ,with the aid of a tough love NYPD cut it to 400/year.Bratton was there .is he nuts now.

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