Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Elmhurst protests Pan Am; DHS takes kids to dinner & a movie

From COMET Civic:

Photos of Pan Am homeless shelter protest:

Videos of Pan Am homeless shelter protest:

In the meantime, the DHS took the kids to a movie and then to a restaurant that had been shut down by DOH a couple of times in the past few years. Your tax dollars at work!

This field trip was supposedly to protect them from "hatred". If you can find the hatred in the above photos/videos, then please let me know. I think the only people hated here are the owners of the Pan Am and leaders of DHS who lied to the community about their intentions.

I'm sure it's also a coincidence that the spot they were taken to is not only Asian, but a hop, skip and jump from the proposed Glendale shelter?


Anonymous said...

You have to hand it to the Asian community for coordinating this large protest. They are smart to realize the negative impact a shelter would have on their community. Muggings, burglaries, robberies, and shoplifting all come hand in hand with these shelters.

Anonymous said...

So only SJ Jung - a candidate - showed up and not Danny Dromm, Toby Stavisky, Grace Meng or Francisco Moya?

I hope the community sticks together and votes all these bums out next time around!

Anonymous said...

So my tax dollars are paying for the movies for these people. Unbelievable. Why dont we buy mansions for them and put a bmw in the driveway for them as well?

How about bussing them to McDonald's where they can work. The kids should be given textbooks to study so that they can become somewhat educated and not follow their parents into living off government benefits.

Anonymous said...

These protests are too ineffectual.

Tino Hernandez who used to run NYCHA is CEO of Samaritan Village. What the community in Elmhurst should do is start collecting a pool of money to charter a few vans, and they should take these vans around the city to pick up 25 or so disheveled and erratic homeless people with the promise of $50 a day and distribute them to loiter in front of Hernandez' house, deBlasio's house (in Brooklyn), and Gilbert Taylor's (current DHS commissioner). Ply them with booze, porn, food, whatever their fix to keep them out there causing an unsightly nuisance. Then call as many press people as you can and let them know what you've done. Have a few volunteers take shifts at each location to make sure the bums stay out there. Get the camera phones ready if the cops are called in to remove them. Have the organizers work around the clock to keep this funded as long as possible to keep and increase the number of homeless on these people's doorsteps. Add in "the public advocate" Letitia James' place for good measure. I am 99% this will be more effective than holding up signs outside the hotel.

Anonymous said...

If they want to protect them from hatred, shouldn't they remove them from the custody of their parents, who screamed racial epithets at the protesters last time?

Anonymous said...

The political calculation being made here is that the Asian community, like all the immigrant communities, will always vote the straight Democrat party line.

Their votes are not about to be lost over this, so this status-quo continues.

Welcome to New York City. The people for whom getting out of bed is always a choice, are laughing at anyone who has to go to work and pay the tab for this welfare state.

Unknown said...

The only hater I heard was a hotel resident yelling "speak English, this is America" to the Asian protestors

Anonymous said...

The "China Buffet" thing was a clear slap in the face to Glendale.

You mean to tell me there was no other place to eat between Elmhurst and Glendale?

Anonymous said...

the only negative comments I heard were from the homeless yelling at the Asians to speak English because this is America

Anonymous said...

I think the DHS took them on,a "date night" just to PISS OFF the people that pay their own way. NOTE TO CITY: Hire people who have had real jobs, not just social workers.

Anonymous said...

as to he protests being ineffective i believe that may be correct. and i kind of agree with the plan of bringing the homeless to the politicians neighborhoods. however i think better solution may be to take the protesters to the politicians neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

take the protest to the politicians neighborhoods.

Queens Crapper said...

They took the kids to the movie theater in Jamaica. Then they took them to Glendale to eat.

Anonymous said...

You are missing the point.

Go after the pols.

They are publicity whores and for them to miss the fun tells you somethin's up.

Anonymous said...

Civics at it's best !
Keep protesting and keep it peaceful.

Joe Moretti said...

Hatred? Really, exactly where was the hatred in the first protest.

Also let's be real transparent. Let the community know exactly who is going into the shelter and why. Like where did they come from, Queens, Bronx, outside of NY, how about why are they homeless. Are they currently working, if not where did they work before and why aren't they there anymore. How long have they been out of work? Any criminal records? Are they just temporarily unemployed or do they have a habit of chronic unemployment. Why didn't they choose to move to another area of the country that is much cheaper where they can live better as opposed to going to a shelter. These are all questions that should be answered and made public, so the community can see exactly what the deal is.

Anonymous said...

They were brought to China Buffet to acclimate the homeless to their future neighborhood just 5 blocks away. Bet ya Samaritan Village picked up the tab.

Christina Wilkinson said...

This is what I sent to DHS Commissioner Gilbert Taylor:

Mr. Taylor, it does not help community relations for you to say you are removing children from a protest to protect them from potential hatred while by the same token saying that your agency wants to create a dialog with the community of Elmhurst. The fact that your agency has been refusing to provide information FOILed in violation of the Sunshine Law makes it seem as though you are trying to hide something.

Anonymous said...

DeBlasio is vacationing now in Italy, too busy for issues! When I start a job I need to be there for one year till I can get vacation. Ahhh America such a fair and righteous country.

Anonymous said...

What the press did not mention was that someone in the Pan Am building threw a bottle filled with an unknown liquid from the upper floors onto the homeless shelter. The 110th Pct. witnessed this.

Anonymous said...

This homeless shelter will probably just house these illegals and their children.

Anonymous said...

They can say whatever they want, but the only folks that got racial at the protests were the homeless yelling Go Back to China and Make Us Chicken Wings. This time around, they yelled to learn the language, when everything was stated in English as well as Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the protests, all this publicity is not good for the de Blasio mis-administration. And don't worry about the politically correct crowd spewing BS. That's just to discourage the movement. Keep fighting!

Anonymous said...

Elmhurst Park Playground on Grand Ave is slowly getting covered in graffiti. It was pretty clean since it opened 2 years ago. I hope it's a coincidence.

The language coming out of some these adults, right in front of their tots, the casual cussing and the misogynist language. Embrace of ghetto culture, so so ridiculous, disgusting.

Some of their kids seem to get hostile very quickly over nothing. Of course the kids repeat their parents language and mannerisms.

I noticed one father, drunk at 11 am, weekday, cussing at his kids for being kids. It's such a vicious cycle, such shitty culture they're born into. It's going to hard for them to break out of that culture.

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