Saturday, June 28, 2014

Pavilion rehab work partially funded

From the Queens Chronicle:

The capital budget passed by the City Council early this morning includes $5.806 million for upgrading the aging New York State Pavilion, the crown jewel of the 1964-65 World’s Fair.

Borough President Melinda Katz, a staunch advocate of restoring the rusting Tent of Tomorrow and Observation Towers, issued a statement in which she expressed her gratitude to the city for recognizing the iconic nature of the pavilion and its importance to the borough’s image.

According to Katz, the $5.806 million will be used to upgrade the pavilion’s electrical system, rebuild the staircases inside the Observation Towers and repair the concrete platforms supporting the observation decks at the top of each of the three towers.

About $4.2 million is provided by Mayor de Blasio, while $628,000 comes from the City Council and the remaining $979,000 comes from Katz.

The $5.806 million is a far cry from the estimated $72 million it would cost to completely restore and reuse the pavilion, according to studies presented by Parks Department representatives at a meeting of the Borough Board last November.


Mike Francesa said...

I'm surprised Katz didn't give this money to the illegals too.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of money! take it down, and turn it into grassland for picnics and relaxation.

Anonymous said...

Who will maintain it? It can't be Parks Dept. They can't even rake a leaf in that park! Who will oversee what events are held there? What will the fee rate be to rent the space? What about security? Vandalism? Insurance? Etc etc etc

JQ said...

a partial ass job is slightly better than a half ass job,right

frankly,this should be demolished.If the city really had any respect for its monuments,this would not need modernization.the only thing that's iconic is the unisphere,it still makes a cool photo backdrop>>>

Anonymous said...

It was quite a sight back in the day when the Fair was open, but man it has been allowed to fall apart for 50 years now. A good allegory for the City itself.

I was 9 and 10 when the Fair came and visited often (it was only a mile from my crib and we went in through holes in the fence). I distinctly remember that terrazzo floor map of NY State.

Anonymous said...

Don't every believe a politician who tells you they do not have money for your suggestion.

The only real reason is they cannot get credit for your idea, or any benefit from it.

Just check out the capital spending on things like parks and the like.

Now compare the maintenance budget and its execution.

Tons of money into a black hole: the parks in Queens look like crap especially when you consider all the money thrown at them.

All this capital spending in Queens, like that infamous library, benefits some sketchy type.

Anonymous said...

Once the electrical conduits and stairs are in they can get lower bids for and possible pro-bonos for adding lights and painting.
Right now you cant work on the structure without it killing you.

Agreed I sure hope Parks Dept wont be maintaining it. It appears a lot of them people are related to each other, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, grandsons. They all seem to believe they cant be fired for hiring more of there own useless goof offs. This "buddy system" really needs to be addressed and cleaned up. The inmates at Rikers actually do a much better job and seem to enjoy getting out and doing the work.

Anonymous said...

Smart move.
Refurbish the towers.
Lease it as a concession and let them maintain it.
Light it magnificently so that it remains an icon.
Then, tear down the lower structure that cannot possibly sustain it's own upkeep.
Redesign the sight to accommodate the proper parking area for the theater and you LOGICALLY deal with a decades old problem.

Anonymous said...

Smart move.
Refurbish the towers.
Lease it as a concession and let them maintain it.
Light it magnificently so that it remains an icon.
Then, tear down the lower structure that cannot possibly sustain it's own upkeep.
Redesign the sight to accommodate the proper parking area for the theater and you LOGICALLY deal with a decades old problem.

Anonymous said...

FMCP already has too many cars driving through. Please don't build another parking lot in the middle of it. Let people walk the short distance from existing parking lots.

Anonymous said...

That would be the Texaco Map of New York State.

Seriously, whatever half-measures they take will be vandalized and ultimately wasted like all the other half-measures to preserve this almost-ruin.

Anonymous said...

Watch some nice lights & supporting electric get done by the end of August. The USTA is upset and wants it spiffed up because its messing up photos and camera shots

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