Thursday, May 1, 2014

John Liu may primary Tony Avella

From the NY Observer:

John Liu is mulling a run against State Senator Tony Avella, three sources familiar with Mr. Liu’s plans told the Observer this afternoon.

Mr. Liu, the former city comptroller and mayoral candidate, is in active discussions with the Queens Democratic Party about a primary challenge against Mr. Avella, a northeast Queens lawmaker who recently defected to a breakaway Democratic faction that leads the chamber with state Republicans. Congressman Joe Crowley, the chair of the Queens Democratic machine, is personally pushing Mr. Liu to run, party sources said.

“Crowley is definitely courting him,” one source said. “They want him to carry the water of county. But if John Liu runs, it will be because John wants to, not because Crowley wants him to. They’re trying to make the case it’s about John and not knocking out Tony Avella.”


Anonymous said...

I thought he took a break from politicking. Guess not.

Anonymous said...

Hell no we won't go!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Not him again!

Anonymous said...

There is too much money to be made, John Liu is not going away anytime soon

Anonymous said...

Annoying duo Liu and no good Crowley! Come on enough with the Crowley's who do nothing for Queens or it's residents and Liu needs to get another hobby. Bad news with these two.

Anonymous said...

Original rumor was that Johnny was going to challenge Grace Meng. After some backroom wheeling and dealing, he endorsed her for re-election - and then the rumor was that Johnny was going to challenge Nydia Velázquez. Now it's Tony Avella. Next month it might be someone else.

Anonymous said...

John can't take a hint.

So no hint here...


Anonymous said...

With all the changes in late night television, we need some new commedy acts

ron s said...

Like a bad penny........

Anonymous said...

progressive/Marxist pols never give up---one cannot survive without the citizen's $$$$$$.and communist led unions who thrive on "THE WORKER'S" dues.

Anonymous said...

He can replace Leroy Comrie as Deputy Borough President. What better "ambassador" for Queens, eh?

Anonymous said...

Anon no. 10. The guys who think that we still live in the 1950s never give up, either.

Anonymous said...

Send him to North Korea............

Anonymous said...

No Matching funds for you John.


Anonymous said...

#12..being aware of past history,concerning social engineering Marxists among us can only inform this generation not to make the same mistakes you probably did.

Anonymous said...

Rots a ruck Mista Riu!

Johnny boy must love having his ass kicked.
The FBI will be up his ass again!

Wadda ya expect from Tommy Huang's cousin, humility?

Anonymous said...

#12 one might also read "Denial",Historians,Communists and Espionage by H.Klehr 2007.

while Soviet former KGB,PUTIN is "ANNEXING" E.Ukraine, presently. the story of the Stalinist Soviet "ANNEXING" of E.Poland in 1939 is told .See the Katyn Forest Massacre ordered by Stalin of 20,000 Polish military officers ,in mass graves (lawyers,,doctors,educators,engineers etc,) the best of thepopulation.

the American revisionist university authors labeled this new soviet archive expose "OLD NEWS".

Anonymous said...

Running against him will be SO easy: just reprint the headlines about his mayoral campaign.
What's John's literature gonna say: "I wasn't indicted"?
His excuse was that while Controller he didn't know what his own Treasurer was doing. "Hey, I'm not guilty, just clueless."
You want a clueless state senator? Vote for Liu!

Dan G said...

I have 2 things to say:
Anyone related to the insidious Tommy Huang is not getting my Vote.

Tony Avella seems to do very good work.
I am voting for Tony Avella

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