Thursday, March 13, 2014

Just "Briarwood"

From PIX 11:

Officially, the name of the stations comes from a specific geographic location or street. Neighbors in Briarwood, Queens don’t think “Van Wyck” needs to be attached to their station along the E & F Queens Boulevard Line.

Most subway station names correspond to a street directly located at the entrance. Neighbors in Briarwood say the Van Wyck runs through many communities and it doesn’t describe the location.

Assemblymember David Weprin has introduced a bill to change the name of the Briarwood-Van Wyck Station. The measure still needs to have a hearing and co-sponsor.


Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous! Instead of wasting time trying to change the name, how about cleaning up Briarwood first? It's streets and sidewalks are filthy. You have an above average crime rate. And the out of control illegal housing units need attention. Not to mention that the subway station itself is filthy and stinks to high heaven. Don't worry about the subway station name. Get your priorities straight Briarwood!

Anonymous said...

These assemblymen have nothing else better to do with their time?

Anonymous said...

Seems like two problems with this idea. How does removing the street name make the location clearer, and what street should be associated with it? Both VW and Queens Blvd run through several neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

Just another waste of money. If the taxpayers in Briarwood want the station name changed, they should levy a fee on themselves for this unnecessary change.

Kevin Walsh said...

Same reason why the people in Floral Park wanted Jamaica Avenue changed to Jericho Turnpike.

Jamaica Avenue goes through er, ah, undesirable areas.

Anonymous said...

Cleanup that ugly rundown greenway the Briarwood Association sponsors along the middle of Queens Blvd!
It's a mess! The hell with wanting to change a subway station name! It's nuts!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be Van Wyck "Expressway" by the way? It's not a Blvd.

Anonymous said...

The street above the station was Van Wyck Boulevard before the expressway was built and the street name was changed. This is common throughout Queens.

Anonymous said...

Holy waste of time and money batman. Most neighborhoods aren't even represented on subway signs - the MTA should remove 'briarwood' instead, purely out of spite.

Anonymous said...

Also I wonder what real estate marketer is behind this idea?

Anonymous said...

What the hell is Briarwood? When I was a kid in the 70s and 80s taking the E and F into the city, there was no "Briarwood". When was this name added and what existing station name did it replace?

Anonymous said...

"... and the renaming of the Van Wyck subway stop to Briarwood/Van Wyck in 1998."

Anonymous said...

Van Wyck at Queens Blvd.

Anonymous said...

More waste of public monies and time. Just remove the Briarwood name and teach these people a lesson...or how about naming the Van Wyck expressway after Ed Koch since he has nothing to do with Queens anyway.

"Next stop - Ed Koch Blvd".

Anonymous said...

I don't think money or time should be spent on the name of the subway station....Money should be put to trying to keep the undesirables out of the neighborhood...There use to be apartment inspections... now one person gets approved for an apartment .. and next thing you know they are building illegal walls in the apartment...making a one bedroom into a two with six to 10 people in a one bedroom...there are so many illegal apartments and illegals living in some of them its becoming cant walk the streets here too early in the morning or too late with these unknowns hanging around on the streets or at the corner store. Talking about wanting to keep Briarwood SAFE.....please...that's a Joke I see why everyone is leaving Briarwood for a CLEANER, SAFER area. Briarwood Will Soon be another South Jamaica!!!!

Anonymous said...

To start with the majority of people who live in Briarwood and go in and out of the station use (or will use after the construction is completed) the entrance at Queens Blvd, and Main Street. The station name should be changed to Briarwood Main Street since its more indicative of its actual location. The purpose would not only be to the residents of the community but also to those who are traveling through the community and are in need of access to Main Street via public transportation. Just by looking at a subway map it is almost impossible to tell that you can transfer to a bus via Main Street from the Briarwood Station.

2) Van Wyck Boulevard is actually the name of the service road to the Van Wyck Expressway.

3) Anonymous #1 I have no idea what statistics you're pointing to when you say Briarwood has an above average crime rate, every official statistic says otherwise. Additionally, illegal housing units aren't as much of a problem in Briarwood as other neighborhoods in Queens.

4) Considering that millions of all of our tax money has been spent on an entrance renovation project that the residents neither wanted or needed, I don't think its too much to ask for a few extra dollars to change the name of the station. Of course I would much rather spend the few extra dollars wiping the name of whatever neighborhood you come from off of any public transit signs to spite you for your ignorant comment Anonymous #8.

5) Anonymous #14, your extreme and unfounded predictions aside, your comment infers a relation between your use of undesirables and those of certain minority heritage. As a life long Briarwood resident, the only undesirable in this neighborhood is you.

Anonymous said...

Either change the name to "Main St. at Queens Blvd., Briarwood", or leave it alone. Better spend the money getting rid of that middle stairway in the corridor leading from the mezzanine next to the police station to the north side of Queens Blvd., and put an elevator (or an up escalator) at the end of that corridor on the north side of Queens Blvd. (nearest the library). That would make the station more user friendly, with the only stairs left to the train platforms will be down from the change booth / police station mezzanine.

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