Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Is he or isn't he?

From the Daily News:

He's the former candidate who can’t stop campaigning.

Losing mayoral contender John Liu’s jam-packed schedule has political insiders wondering what he’s running for now. Some think he has his eye on a congressional seat.

Since Jan. 1, the former city controller has attended every inauguration ceremony for a new City Council member, marched shoulder to shoulder with elected officials in parades and glad-handed at cocktail parties held by political groups.

On weekends, it’s not uncommon for Liu to keep up the breakneck schedule he was known for during his mayoral campaign, attending up to 12 back-to-back events — which he announces on a public schedule emailed out by his former press secretary.

A dozen former staffers still work for him at least part-time as volunteers, including longtime press secretary Sharon Lee and top political adviser Chung Seto. And Pete Burgos, a former NYPD detective, often chauffeurs Liu around the city in Burgos’ white Mercedes-Benz.

Liu still maintains a campaign-style website, LiuNewYork.com, but plays down speculation that he’s gearing up for another race.

“It’s a little surprising to me,” he said. “I enjoy going to events. I enjoy seeing old friends. I enjoy meeting new people. This is part of my life. You get to be ‘former controller’ forever.”

Sources said members of Mayor de Blasio’s transition team floated possible posts to Liu, including Taxi & Limousine commissioner and finance commissioner.

But political observers say Liu still has his eye on elected office and has been exploring another run, possibly for Congress.


Gary the Agnostic said...

Earth to John: Not going to happen.

Archie B said...

Can someone s'plain why the sanitation, parks and assorted NYC city's workers love this guy so much?
Especially the blue collar Irish groups in Whitestone. He showed up and they were treating him like "god" at some kids baseball game/BBQ/raffle last summer.
He made a 1 minute speech, posed for photos then split and they were still licking his ass.

Anonymous said...

He's such a sore loser....give it a break the next mayor election isn't for four more years!

Anonymous said...

The the zombie Vallones, put a freakin stake in it.

Anonymous said...

Probably will run for Toby's seat when she retires, or Koo's seat after he is term-limited. To run for Congress, he'd have to run against Grace, and it ain't gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

Probably will run for Toby's seat when she retires, or Koo's seat after he is term-limited. To run for Congress, he'd have to run against Grace, and it ain't gonna happen.

NYC and NYS are too small for Johnny. Speculation is that he will challenge fellow Democrat Rep. Nydia Velazquez.

ron s said...

Can't figure out how he has the balls to even show his face. Every staff member of his is indicted/convicted of financial fraud (do you think he might be involved too?) and he still is fighting his fine for fouling neighborhoods with his election signs and refusing to clean them up. What a scumbag.

Anonymous said...

What a jackass, but I hope he runs so I can enjoy his ass kicking all over again.

And the last poster has it right, this scumbag is still trying to avoid obeying the law and refuses to pay the fines he was given.

Those who vote for him are evil.

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