Monday, March 10, 2014

Flushing bakery has smart idea

From PIX11:

Bus riders waiting for a ride along Roosevelt Avenue in Flushing, Queens are noticing a new sign on the exterior of Yee Mei Fong Bakery.

It provides schedules for the nearby bus. The Ultra Sign Corp recently began making and installing the signs for businesses using the real-time information data from the MTA.

Tien Wang is a bus rider and engineer. He created the software and hardware for Ultra Sign Corp.


Anonymous said...

Great. Even better, they should post all bus stops in a central location, because when they redesigned the bus stops two years ago, they confused everyone. Mind you, the bus stops are much mor eintelligently placed now, but finding them takes forever if you take some buses only occassionally.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea. Not many people would spend time to do that. Hopefully will inspire more things to come.

Anonymous said...

It will be common soon. If you go to Chicago, the local businesses near bus stops frequently have displays in their storefronts showing how far away the bus is.

Anonymous said...

Now the people waiting for a late bus on a cold or hot day can avail themselves to the interior of the bakery where the climate ambiance is appealing.

Anonymous said...

I am stunned. Where's the codewords for antiasian bigotry? C'mon just one bigoted remark?

georgetheatheist said...

What is it with these Chinese bakeries? Do any of you actually like to eat a piece of Chinese cake? It's too spongy. Yech. It doesn't "stick to you ribs" like a cannoli from an Italian bakery.

Anonymous said...

"Chinese bakeries"

The chinese are not very well known to be bakers. its rare to have a kitchen in china that even has an oven. Everything is done stove-top.

Shake 'n' bake said...

A Chinese "bakery" is a fakery.

The quite colorful items taste like waterlogged cardboard.

Anonymous said...

Chinese bakeries are a waste of space not only in your stomach but in neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

So now all the old Chinese women can wait until the last second and trample you to get on the bus first.

So... no change.

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