Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What they're planning for us this year

The Queens Courier has a lot more of their resolutions...


Anonymous said...

Sure why wouldn't Joe Crowley reward people who break our laws. Yup, bankrupt our city and state and let's bring more welfare recipients in from everywhere so Virginia Joe can get re-elected.

Anonymous said...

Toby Ann will puke when she smells the garbage in downtown Flooshing!

No one in their right mind would be happy to have an office there - unless it makes it easier to collect her bribes!!!!

Anonymous said...

She moved her office to her new district...but did she moved her residence as well, as she is required to do?

Anonymous said...

Joe Crowley and all of the dems elected this are going to put a nail into nyc coffin! Get ready nyc you are looking at 3 million illegals and 0 deportations in 2014! You think corona and Jackson heights and flooshing are filled with illegals now, you haven't seen anything yet! These illegals will be given drivers licenses, so get ready for your average wait in the dmv to be 5 hours instead of 3 hours! Get ready for triple the welfare recipients! Get ready for $240 billion debt....get ready for your taxes to rise to pay for all these illegals that they not going to deport! The next 4 years will be he'll to pay under distupidoblasio and the dems!

Anonymous said...

What is this "shadows" crap they keep spewing?

Illegals aren't in any shadows here, they are working for cash and sending the money home to Mexico, while getting free medical and welfare. Crowley is a douche.

Anonymous said...

Gianaris wants to fight for freedom and fresh air and more opportunties to smile and stop signs for developers.

A deep thinker that, because his constituents have made themselves idle participants in his district, assures this young man a bright, untroubled lucrative future.

Anonymous said...

Toby already looks like she smelled something vile. She'll really be constipated when she gets a whiff of the neighborhood in her new digs.

Anonymous said...

Toby already looks like she smelled something vile. She'll really be constipated when she gets a whiff of the neighborhood in her new digs.

She's probably smelling herself! Therefore, how will she notice the stench known as downtown Flushing??!??!??

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