Wednesday, January 1, 2014

In case the champagne didn't get you nauseous enough


Anonymous said...

Our tax dollars hard at work.

Anonymous said...

the narcissism that exists with all these people is sad. and they are all term limited so one day 99 percent of them end up like eric gioia.

Anonymous said...

Seems cute, demonstrates humor and introduces us to his his staff. Nothing nauseating here.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Van Bramer is in Alice the housekeeper's box!

Anonymous said...

Don we now our gay apparel...

J said...

narcissism in spades,their facial expressions makes one want to publicly stone them.this group needs to be watched every minute.

Why would college educated adults make something like this?it seems that they think working for the government is a dumb sitcom,this does not bode well for the city's future.

And the blahz is already breaking promises.

Anonymous said...

Ah shit, that's enough to gag a maggot...

Anonymous said...

JVB looks like he's having trouble deciding where to insert that candy cane...

Anonymous said...

Seems cute, demonstrates humor and introduces us to his his staff. Nothing nauseating here.

Taken out of context, yes.

When you consider the arrogant self-important ' what can you do for ME, peasant! ' attitude out of that office, while on our tab and elected to serve us, 'nauseous' is about right.

Anonymous said...


Kurtlove666 said...

This looks like a shitty Christmas Card from a bunch of trendy Williamsburg liberals and one of their Sassy Grandmas thrown in for good measure. How are these people calling the shots ANYWHERE for ANYONE besides some shitty Brooklyn outdoor cafe?? Did they really win elections and appointments???

Anonymous said...

Just think this stooge for the library developers ran unopposed.

Four more years of this nit-wit.

Anonymous said...

Jason Banrey: Yet another "journalist" who crossed over to the Dark Side.

ron s said...

My main problem with the card is that if it represents the main body of his advisory staff, only one of them appears to be more than 29 years old. Their world perspective may be that of putting a bunch of goofy 20 somethings in a room and asking for their opinions based on their collective experience.

Anonymous said...

where are the local Irish Americans who voted for this scum working? not at his office.

Anonymous said...

My main problem with the card is that if it represents the main body of his advisory staff, only one of them appears to be more than 29 years old. Their world perspective may be that of putting a bunch of goofy 20 somethings in a room and asking for their opinions based on their collective experience.

They are there only for show.

You are expected to have a staff as it looks good to the old ladies and the clueless.

Actually a staff is not needed if you spend all your time trying to get development projects through city government.

Since the sheepble of Queens will elect you there is no downside to acting stupid or 'stonewalling' their concerns since the local press will not cover it.

Hawkeye said...

Looks like JVB cornholed the target nicely with Villa.

JVB's office I hear is more screaming fun than a gay bathhouse.

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