Thursday, January 23, 2014

NYPD inspector warns drivers not to be morons

From DNA Info:

A trio of bungling motorists had their cars boosted in Corona and Elmhurst recently after they left them running to keep warm while they got coffee, delivered pizza and ran errands.

The spike in auto thefts has gained so much traction that the local precinct commander vowed to ticket motorists who keep their cars running under the city's idling regulation.

"If your car's running, and my officers see it and they observe it for three minutes, they are going to write a summons." said Deputy Inspector Ronald Leyson, the commanding officer of the 110th Precinct, which covers the neighborhoods.

"And I do not feel bad for you."


Anonymous said...

So with wind chills creating negative numbers in the temperature we can't warm up our cars?

Queens Crapper said...

Not if you leave your vehicle, which is the point the Inspector was making.

Anonymous said...

So lemme get this straight... The bad guys are on the prowl, and the police response is to ticket decent people for harmless quality of life issues rather than crack down? Just like more tickets for jaywalkers because of the reckless motorists running over people? It's all about the numbers for the Blaz and Bratton - business as usual!

Queens Crapper said...

These aren't harmless quality of life infractions. They lead to grand theft auto, and the reason this bill was passed in the first place is because some ass left his car idling outside a deli and a perp stole it and killed 2 kids with it.

Anonymous said...

Just like the "war" on drugs, simply another reason to justify their jobs and generate an income OFF OF YOU!

Anonymous said...

Could not be a more intellagent answer Queens Crapper - Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ, even when crapper makes some reasonable sense, there's always a group of brain dead morons commenting on the thread. For fuck sake, please go away, stop voting and please don't procreate

Anonymous said...

Go, Crappy!

BTW, selective enforcement of laws is highly questionable. In my neighborhood huge diesels idle for hours, and we have one of the highest asthma rates in the city.

Anonymous said...

There is no reason to leave your vehicle unattended and running. You are just asking for someone to steal it.

Anonymous said...

BS, Crappy, and you know it: this is about tackling the problem by prosecuting victims in virtually harmless infractions to persuade them to make themselves less vulnerable as victims, instead of going after serious theft, so that they can achieve lower crime. Your answer attempts to justify bad means to achieve the same end.

Maybe cops should crack down on women walking home drunk to bring down rapes too? Same line of reasoning.

Anonymous said...

No, Crappy, allowing your car to idle does not LEAD to grand theft auto. It's two people doing two separate things. Don't justify it.

Queens Crapper said...

I would love it if NY had a law against public drunkenness. Idling is not only stupid, it pollutes. Asthma, anyone? How about if you leave your car running, it gets stolen, and a crime is committed with it, you get arrested. What the Hell does it take to get people to learn? It's a fine. Demand responsibility from people instead of making excuses for their stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Not disagreeing with you. The problem is NYPD leadership and city leadership that has its priorities out of order, harassing generally law-abiding citizens in order to reign in the behavior of scoundrels instead of going after scoundrels.

Would love to see the day when public drunkenness and idling cars are genuinely the worst problem the city has. Until then, I will not stick my head in the sand or allow the top brass to pat itself on the back.

Anonymous said...

Well since there already are laws against idling cars on the books, the NYPD is simply enforcing a law that normally isn't enforced in order to persuade motorists not to make their vehicles easy for thiefs. I don't see anything wrong with that, but I guess it is all how one chooses to look at it. Some people would view someone yelling at them to "STOP!" as they walk into oncoming traffic as a violation of their right to cross the street.

Anonymous said...

The point is that no matter the situation,justified or not, the only reaction that thr brain trust x at the 110 knows is ticketing.Having a heart attack? Ticket! GIVING BIRTH? Ticket! Just got fatally stabbed? Ticket! Won the lottery? Ticket! It's your birthday? Ticket! Declared the next Dalai Lamar?Ticket, and in and on, ad infinitum!

Anonymous said...

During one of last years snow storms I saw 'Charlie Chan' double park along Jamaica Ave. under the El in Woodhaven. He left the car running without emergencies on and ran into a convenience store blocking all west bound traffic. A kid ran across the avenue jumped in and took off.

No more traffic jam, no more idling, no more car.

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