Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Next speaker has more serious ethics issues

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From the Daily News:

The leading candidate for New York City Council speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito, has been leasing out space in an East Harlem building she owns without reporting any rental income on city financial disclosure forms, the Daily News has learned.

Mark-Viverito purchased the three-unit building on E. 111th St. in 1998 with the help of a no-interest city loan, and has been using it as her home.

From 2009 to 2012, three people other than Mark-Viverito have voted while listing the building as their principal residence, Board of Elections records show. Yet, in each of those years, Mark-Viverito reported on her city financial disclosure forms that she received no rental income from the property.

Another person listed at the address, Muneer Panjwani, 29, confirmed Sunday that Mark-Viverito was his landlord, but he declined to discuss the matter further.

“I was told not to comment on this,” said Panjwani, who would not say who told him not talk.


J said...

I hope people realize that this woman got away with this under the funsize mayor,like his friends in the realtor development complex

Anonymous said...

She lied on her COIB form? That is one thing the City actually takes very seriously after the first strike...

Anonymous said...

Wanna bet she blames this financial faux pas on her tax accountant or significant other.

Anonymous said...

I want to know how many hospitals she closed or people she displaced with development.


Then she is a big step up.

(BTW does she live in NYC or Virginia?)

Anonymous said...

de Blasio praised her integrity and blamed it on rules that keep changing. Let's see if the IRS feels the same way, if the rental income was not reported. The Daily News editorial board said that she's not fit to serve.

Anonymous said...

And this is suppose to be news?

Anonymous said...

Even the NY Times won't endorse her.
De Blah Blah is a fool for aligning with her, he is very quickly dooming is own mayorship

Anonymous said...

Yea, the Times endorsed Quinn and what does that say about the Times.

Maybe their attitude towards this Speaker is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

The Speaker vote is tomorrow...she MUST be stopped...just another CROOK!

Anonymous said...

Although it's now a moot point since she has been elected Speaker, it shows what kind of a person Mark-Viverito is since her response to questions about her (hidden) income and (nonpayment of) taxes was to play the race card - she told the Spanish-language channel NY1 Noticias that, "There is an effort on the part of the media to present me as a foreigner. Someone who doesn't belong here." Actually, I think the media is presenting her as a crook - doesn't matter if she's foreign or not.

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