Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Neighbors from the 9th circle of hell

If you want to read a truly amazing story about some really nasty neighbors, corruption at the NYPD and total incompetence at the DOB, I suggest sitting down with a cup of coffee and soaking in this post at Sheepshead Bites. It's scary what can be done to innocent people with little to no consequences.


Anonymous said...

What a horrific tale. It's amazing how basic Constitutionally guaranteed property rights can be subverted at the local level in a city too big and bureaucratic for the law of the land to be upheld.

Anonymous said...

Good lord, and god bless Tony Avella.
Anyone know the address? It'd be interesting to see who filed this at DoB - and see if there's any kind of fraud enforcement going down.

Anonymous said...

Get these people on TV. shame the criminals that moved in next door to them.

Anonymous said...

It's all being done on purpose to force them out and get them to hand over their property. do background checks on the neighbors from hell, they do this a matter of business and have done it before.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you bring in savages from places without laws. they try to do the same thing here they did back home, and that is to lie/cheat/steal their way to what they want.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 5:

Has there been any description of where the next door neighbors are from? There's no question that they're really bad people (and, one would suspect, the source of all of the DOB business), but they may well be home-grown bad people, instead of from someplace else.

Anonymous said...

Not for nothing, the website these people set up to fight their cause is practically impossible to read!

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