Monday, December 9, 2013

Illegally parked cars make Jamaica unsightly

From Cleanup Jamaica Queens:

All over Jamaica, you will see cars like above parked illegally up on the sidewalks next to shitty third world apartment buildings. Not only is this an eyesore to the community, but it breaks down the sidewalks and curbs, which then MIGHT be repaired, another place for green gets destroyed and most of these types of buildings have other issues such as garbage, rodents and questionable renters, who add NOTHING to the community, just the type of people Jamaica looks for to move into the community.


Anonymous said...

Where are the FDNY fire inspectors? Every one of these vehicles is breaking the NYC Fire code that forbids any vehicle from being parked within a certain distance of a residential or commercial establishment. It is illegal to blcck egress from a building in an emergency that would also prevent FDNY from entering the premises.
Send a note to FDNY Commisioner Cassano and copy all of your believed elected representatives.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Vibrant, diverse,...

Anonymous said...

Why so much concern about Jamaica on this blog. Its been a horrible craphole for the last 35 years and only getting worse.
Are any people worthy of caring about actually still alive and living there and WHY ??

Illegally parked cars ?
1/2 the populate must be illegal good for nothing slobs who throw the garbage and beverage containers out windows.

Anonymous said...

How come officials aren't enforcing?

They are sending a mixed message to the community, people will assume it's ok and something like that will spread like crazy.

If let go for too long it could become unenforceable like the foreign signage issue in Flushing.

Where is the councilman??

Anonymous said...

There is no action from the elected leaders because these are the very people that continually vote for them. I don't know the exact wording but it was Years ago in Detroit when the mayor was told about all the people moving out of the city and he responded by saying he doesn't care they don't vote for me. This is the same

Joe Moretti said...

Anon stated:

Why so much concern about Jamaica on this blog. Its been a horrible craphole for the last 35 years and only getting worse.
Are any people worthy of caring about actually still alive and living there and WHY ??

Why so much concern about 5 pointz, or artwork with dicks.............because these are things that concern some people in Queens. Living in Jamaica, I have a concern. I love people like you who comment about Jamaica, but more than likely do not live there, do not come there, but yet have seemed to form an opinion on it.

Anonymous said...

No curb cut + no permit = parking violation

Anonymous said...

Absentee landlords who only want to collect rent. Illegal alien absentee landlords. the worst of the worst. never do repairs, no heat, no hot water, brutal retaliations.

they can afford those gas guzzlers since they are sucking the tenants blood.
None of those cars are of the economy type.

Anonymous said...

They can't afford anything better than a crappy rental in a bad neighborhood, but they all have $40,000 SUVs. great.

I am fortunate enough to be a homeowner, and do make enough money to afford such a car, but i feel bad doing so, and pick something more economical.

I just cant understand the thought process of some people. No priorities.

Joe said...

Snip: "They can't afford a crappy rental in a bad neighborhood, but they all have $40,000 SUV"

Part of it is the government is forcing the banks at gunpoint to give the tweeded loans and lease deals.

This is all done with what "WAS" peoples interest rate payments.
Obama wasn't kidding when he said Quote: "I'm gonna re-distribute the wealth a bit and "gum up the gears" for those against me.
We also pay for all the repos, insurance jobs and defaults

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