Saturday, November 9, 2013

Students still have a long way to go

From the NY Post:

New York state fourth- and eighth-graders are slightly better at math and reading than two years ago and about average compared to the rest of the country, say new tests.

But at least six out of every 10 New York students in those grades are below the level called proficient, said the study known as the ­nation’s report card.

Standardized reading and math tests have been given to a sample of US fourth- and eighth-graders since the 1990s to measure basic skills.

The new results, released Thursday by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, found that 32 percent of New York public-school eighth-graders were proficient in math, up 2 percent over tests given in 2011. Only 35 percent were proficient in reading in 2013, the same as two years ago.

The good news is that fourth-graders are doing a bit better. Forty percent of them were rated proficient in math, up 4 percent over 2011, and 37 percent were proficient in reading, an ­increase of 2 percent.


Anonymous said...

The teachers unions hate standardized tests. It forces them to focus on the tests rather then what they want. It also produces a metric to identify poor teachers.
When I was in HS, we had to pass Regents Exams. We spent only a week preparing for the test because we spent the entire semester studying the subject matter. When you teach what needs to be taught, standardized tests are no big deal.

Anonymous said...

It produces a metric that was devised by psychometricians hired by Albany who look out for their companies' own bottom line.

These exams bear little resemblance to the Regents, and they are given at a far earlier age, to kids who haven't adequately mastered English, miss a lot of school, and kept in the mainstream classroom when in your day they would have been held back, transferred, or expelled.

It's a brave new world, my anonymous friend.

Anonymous said...

Same here! I went to Mary Louis and our curriculum was much tougher than the Regents - we just breezed through them.

We also worked really hard, had about three hours of homework every night, and gave a shit - it was a privilege to attend Mary Louis. We also had much stricter parents and a healthy fear of nuns - lol!

Kids today seem almost retarded to me - they barely read and have never seen a Fellini film - we were very into the arts in the 70s and went into the city to museums at least once a month - without our parents chauffeuring us around!

These stats are unbelievably unacceptable. School days should be longer and school should run all year long - the US has fallen behind - we need to catch up and excel! The party is OVER!!!!

Anonymous said...

The teachers unions hate standardized tests because not all kids develop at the same rate, or have the patience not to squirm and lose focus for 90+ minutes.
And because the kids hate and dread the exams, it worsens behavioral problems prepping for them.
Teachers have never been free to "teach what they want" - the curriculum is determined by the NY State Board of Ed. Get a clue!

Anonymous said...

My daughters elementary school had only a 60 percent passing rate in math and a 50 percent passing rate in english last year on these tests.....but figure that 85 percent of the students are asians.....are the asian children starting to dumb down? I think so! daughter did great on these school test because I had sat down with her for two weekends in a row explaining the practice booklet with her!

Ned said...

At best empty head illegal immigrant offspring being filled with rubbish by liberal/socialistic educators all working off public $$$ paid for by LEGAL citizens.
---Replicate the cycle every 12 years because dumb and stupid is how our liberal egomaniac elected’s need their sheeple to stay in office.
The problem has become nation wide. There is something wrong with the demeanor, temperament and born intellect most these children. Aside some Asian kids almost all American students appear only interested in ghetto crap or liberal arts.
---not skills or education.
WORSE: How will all these kids (millions) support themselves when there parents can no longer collect free $$ for them ?

Kweens Masheen Voter said...

We dont kneed no edukayshun!

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