Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Let the tweeding begin

From The Politicker:

One source said Rep. Joe Crowley, head of the Queens Democratic party, is warming to the idea of backing Mark-Viverito, in part because she would be the first Latina speaker and his congressional district is heavily Hispanic.

"It would be a feather for him," said the source, who is involved in Queens County politics, as well as the speaker's race.

Mark-Viverito often touts her early endorsement of de Blasio in the Democratic mayoral primary this year and has said she agrees with most of his political positions.

Mark-Viverito has been the target of some negative stories since entering the speaker's race, and is a polarizing candidate in her own right.

Several sources said Dickens, whose candidacy is considered a nonstarter, was the least impressive of the interviewees and did not have a firm grasp on the rules-reform package.

UPDATE: Councilman Steve Levin, a member of the bloc, said Weprin was impressive too. Levin said Weprin "exhibited a lot of passion. He was passionate. He was moving and he spoke about his experiences as a legislator and about his family."


Anonymous said...

I predict this will be Crowley's last term. Not because of some sudden enlightenment leading to mass voter uprising. Rather, a latino candidate will come along to run against Crowley. The latino voting block will flock to the new candidate, simply because he/she is "one of their own". All of this shameless pandering on behalf of Crowley will only rob him of any remaining dignity he might still possess.

Anonymous said...

Yes, makes sense. How can you have an Irishman still controlling a place like Queens?

This is 2013 not 1893.

Anonymous said...

Dream on. Crowley controls the process that gets people into a primary. Also, since he was first elected in 1998, he's slowly rising the ranks of nation Democratic leadership (think of him as a white version of Charlie Rangel)

Anonymous said...

When they look back at the reasons the United States collapsed, identity politics will be among the top.

Deke DaSilva said...

I predict this will be Crowley's last term.

You may be on to something.

Vladimir Lenin allegedly said: "The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them."

Substitute Diversity Loving White Democrats for Capitalists, and Mark-Viverito for Lenin and the analogy is still relevant!

Anonymous said...

Crowley is a baffoon, and that's what the Democratic leadership in Washington really thinks of him. His best speech to date in front of Congress was his silent presentation.

He's an idiot, plain and simple and a traitor to this country.

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