Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Illegal cabbies threaten green cabbies

From the NY Post:

Illegal livery drivers see red when they spot green.

The scofflaws are bullying the outer-boroughs’ new green-taxi operators — kicking, smacking and spitting on the apple-colored rides to scare them from what has been their prime turf, legal workers told The Post.

The illicit drivers “have been making violent threats — kicking cars and banging on widows,” said Jenny Ahmed, who runs a green-taxi base in Brooklyn. “They think they’ve been there longer and it’s their turf.”

At least three of Ahmed’s drivers have suffered through car-whackings and threats from angry drivers since the green-taxi program launched in August, she said.

Fights have flared up in front of the Target store on Flatbush Avenue near Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

One green-cab driver was forced to give up a prime parking spot near the Atlantic Avenue Terminal after a black-livery-car operator spat at him, the driver said.


Anonymous said...

Well, something must be done about this because here in the new New York City the illegal canny has every right to earn a living and if he can't earn we will subsidize it

Anonymous said...

why don't the authorities (NYPD or TLC) get involved? They are illegal and aren't they also illegally harassing the legitimate taxis?

Anonymous said...

The whole idea of the green taxis was to have an identifiable legal taxi in the boroughs - but the black cockeroaches that illegally pick up fares on the street persist doing buisness the old way - nothing new right? So TLC should be enforcing the rules to make the green taxis effective overall - I think they are getting there quickly - TLC let get the black car drivers who don't dispatch by radio off the streets for good.

Anonymous said...

I was at JFK's int'l terminal last week waiting for relatives, and while I was there I saw numerous unauthorized drivers going up to people who had just arrived offering to drive them. Everybody could see who they were, and they were not even discrete about it. So even though there are signs and announcements, there doesn't seem to be enforcement. If you take one person's car away, the others will think twice...

Anonymous said...

Black cars are not allowed to pickup street hails, they are supposed to wait for passengers in designated locations. The black car drivers believe they have exclusive use of those locations.

Nothing personal, just business.

Joe Moretti said...

As usual with New York, a lack of enforcement.

Jerry Rotondi said...

I spotted a gypsy cab near Union Square yesterday which was painted the same shade of green as these green cabs.

So as not to break the law, and imply that he was a genuine NYC, hack he had his company name stenciled on its side--"Yadda, Yadda, Bushwick".

Sorry I missed getting a shot of it.

Look before you hail.

Anonymous said...

The problem has an easy solution: deportations!!!

The cars aren't the only thing about them that is illegal!

Anonymous said...

Its always also so interesting that most of the gypsy cabs seem to have NJ and Penn plates, too.

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