Saturday, November 23, 2013

Homelessness: Will deBlasio do any better?

From the Huffington Post:

New York City's homeless population rose 13 percent from 2012 to 2013, according to new federal statistics released on Thursday.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's one-night study found 64,060 people living in city shelters. New York's uptick comes only second to Los Angeles', where homelessness increased a staggering 27 percent during the same period.

Meanwhile, homelessness at a national level dropped four percent from 633,782 to 610,042. New York was among five states -- including California, Florida, Texas, and Massachusetts-- that accounted for more than half of the country's homeless population.

Prior to the study's publication, the Coalition for the Homeless hosted a panel on Wednesday to discuss the city's unprecedented homelessness rate and outline possibly policy changes mayor-elect Bill de Blasio could enact to help bring the numbers down.


Anonymous said...

Homelessness is only an issue when a Republican is the President or Mayor.
Sadly, with the influx of new vibrant and diverse voters they have no historical context which would help them understand this.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter one bit to the idiots that voted for Diblasio if he does anything for the homeless. The important thing is that "he cares, he WANTS to help them, he's down with the average New Yorker". This unfortunately, is how people vote nowadays.

Anonymous said...

I think this is sad. Nyc is a sad place anymore! We are the only city in this country where making 60000/year will get you nothing! Rents are out of control in nyc....but yet the government allows people to keep moving here! There is no room in nyc! If you make 10/hour in nyc, youre better off moving if you dont have family here! We are the only city that you can go broke from paying rent! There are almost 50 percent of people living here who 50 percent of their pay goes just toward rent! But what does this dumb government keep doing? Building luxury apartments and coop and condos that not many can afford!
Just the other day, I was standing on queensborough plaza 7 train platform and looked around all to see about 4 signs saying "luxury rentals, call 718×××××××" I bet you half of those apts are empty because not many people can afford it, so they have to put signs up to beg people to rent from them!

Joe Moretti said...

Fact it the homeless problem will continue in NYC and across the country, as long as we have jobs that do not pay a decent living (Wall Mart, McDonalds, etc), housing, especially in NYC, that is through the roof and eats at least half your paycheck, places that once had good paying jobs become condos and jobs get shipped overseas.

I mean how is money to be pumped into a community's economy, when you have less jobs or jobs that pay little. This is common sense.

People want to always blame immigrants, but this issue is with big companies and the 1% who want to have all the money to themselves, WalMart being a good example, the four riches people own Walmart while their workers barely make a living, barely.

If you think it is bad, if Romney/Ryan would have won the election, these number would have gone up even more drastically.

It amazes how many America's anger is directed at the wrong people.

Anonymous said...

Most of the homelessness happens because there is a lot of mental illness and the government can't or won't help these folks. A lot of bad choices lead to homelessness. Plus, we have people moving here from all over the country for NYC benefits and they end up in shelters.

Deke DaSilva said...

Homelessness is only an issue when a Republican is the President or Mayor.

I blame George W. Bush!

People want to always blame immigrants

Yeah, let's leave immigrants out of the discussion!

Illegal immigration has ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT on wages!

WalMart being a good example, the four riches people own Walmart while their workers barely make a living, barely.

What does WalMart have to do with homelessness in NYC?

Our anointed City Council has BANNED WalMart from the city limits.

Do you really think that the corner bodega pays a wage that is higher than WalMart or McDonalds?

Also, do you own shares in a mutual fund, or have a pension plan? Guess what - YOU also own WalMart!

It amazes how many America's [sic] anger is directed at the wrong people.


georgetheatheist said...

Rich people create eleemosynary institutions that actually help the homeless and less fortunate. You tax the rich and society is going to be cutting it's own throat. You'll see an increase in homelessness.

I love the Rich.

Anonymous said...

Take a better look at the photo: it IS deBlazeo

Anonymous said... are wrong! There are people out there who actually do have jobs that live in these homeless shelters. ...and its because the rent is too high in nyc! One of the main reasons why rent is so high is because every foreigner and out of stater wants to move here. If land is scarce (which it is in nyc), the price of the housing and land goes up. Also Not everyone who lives in the homeless shelters are mental. How do you know that these people didnt just lose their job to outsourcing or how many of them just lost their jobs? There are single mothers living in homeless shelters right now, but yet the government gives public housing to illegals with no children! Not everyone in the shelters are mental, some are just down on their luck! I know this because I have known a few people who were homeless who did get back on their feet after a while! Some of the homeless people actually choose to live on the street because the shelter is just too bad of a place.....go to the homeless shelter in Manhattan and you will see how many children and mothers there are! Alot of the people also in the shelters are guys who have aged out of group homes who have no other place to go and never had any family to watch after them and some if them do have jobs that just dont pay much money!

Anonymous said...

Homelessness: Will deBlasio do any better?

No, he won't but this photograph should become a classic.

Anonymous said...

DeBlasio is big fan of Nicaraguan guerrilla leader and socialist Augusto César Sandino.
De-Blasio is a tweed loving socialist who may soon knocking on doors private houses to "place" all these homeless and illegals. It will come in stages starting with another wave "census workers" ---this time with sheriffs YOU MUST LET IN followed by a "bend-over tax" aimed at middle class homeowners for wasting that unused room or basement.
--Its coming, they have this in China, Japan, Sweden and Amsterdam.

Joe Moretti said...

Anon states:
What does WalMart have to do with homelessness in NYC? Our anointed City Council has BANNED WalMart from the city limits. Do you really think that the corner bodega pays a wage that is higher than WalMart or McDonalds?
You missed the point of my comment completely.

Anonymous said...

"You missed the point of my comment completely."
No we didn't. The point is on top of your head.

Anonymous said...

"Do you really think that the corner bodega pays a wage that is higher than WalMart or McDonalds?"

The corner bodega is:

1) Registered in NY State, so it actually some pays taxes for the services it uses.

2) Not receiving a huge property tax break, interest free bond or direct handout from the city coffers by Bloomie under the guise of "economic development."

3) Spending the money back into the local economy.

What it pays its employees is just one part of the picture.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

"You missed the point of my comment completely."
No we didn't. The point is on top of your head.

Another mature articulate queens crap reader. Have not heard that one since grade school.

Anonymous said...

no, people with jobs are living in homeless shelters so they can get on any government housing subsidy going. section 8, work advantage voucher, you name it.
otherwise they could be renting a room that the illegals have going.
now it's the idiots who are still in the hurricane FEMA funded hotels looking for a voucher. FEMA pays up to 18 months for an apartment, why aren't they in them? because they're holding out for the vouchers.
yes, illegal immigrants are the biggest housing scammers. Why are Americans on the section 8 waiting list for decades? but let some one from Nepal come here or some other country alleging refugee status and they get a housing subsidy decades before the American citizens. there is something seriously wrong with this.
it's criminal and it's hatred of Americans, because we are so stupid to let all these people into our country.

Anonymous said...

Rich people create eleemosynary institutions that actually help the homeless and less fortunate. You tax the rich and society is going to be cutting it's own throat. You'll see an increase in homelessness.

"You can't increase the safety net or require a higher minimum wage so that the poor get more money. You'll destroy their work incentive."
"You can't increase taxes on the rich and take away their money. You'll destroy their working incentive."

Facile, George, really. Reading this blog, I've come to expect more from you. I know you're capable of it. Or do you really think the rich are truly different from you and I?

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