Saturday, November 2, 2013

Dennis Saffran does campaign mailers the respectable way

If you want to strike a stark comparison between you and your opponent, there's no need to have a developer PAC set someone on fire, or to try to attach candidates to scandals with which they were not involved. Here's the right way to do it, based on the candidate's actual words taken in the appropriate context and his record:

In other words, be man enough to do it under your own name!


Anonymous said...

The constitution means so little to some politicians. Now wonder DHS thinks our veterans are likely terrorists.
Stop all immigration, legal and illegal now. We need to get back to our roots as a nation.

Anonymous said...

"Stop all immigration, legal and illegal now. We need to get back to our roots as a nation."

And: Tell the government to keep out of Medicare.....


Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree! These illegals need to get deported ...we would have so much room in nyc if the LAW was followed!

Anonymous said...

Go Dennis!

Anonymous said...

Please don't vote for stinky

Anonymous said...

Well, the Saffran campaign was sitting on some of its money waiting to send out a last minute advertising blitz. Good for them! Stinky and his acolytes must be terrified that his own words and actions are being used against him. "Family" doesn't matter when you're a liar. Lombardi was like the band on the Titanic last night when he came out with his latest "news" article saying that Vallone would win big. The S.S. Vallonia is going down!

Anonymous said...

You know a Democrat is desperate when he has to get Rudy Giuliani to speak out for him.

Buh-Bye Stinky.

Anonymous said...

I'm Paul Vallone, and I know a thing or three about lying and deceptive advertising. Remember when I said that Tony Avella was supporting me? Remember when I said that the Whitestone community wanted the expansion of the White House restaurant run by a Gambino associate? Remember when I said that I owed nothing to real estate developers?

Pretty sure that Saffran just had a photo of Giuliani next to a quote from Rudy about the importance of Stop & Frisk, to illustrate that he (Saffran) was in line with Rudy. I did not take it as an endorsement.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you dedicated so much to these boobs. they're Both useless.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Dennis Saffron. He'll get the job done!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you dedicated so much to these boobs. they're Both useless.

Now that you mention it, Stinky's head does look like a giant boob. It's just too bad he doesn't have a brain to put in it.

Anonymous said...

Don't vote for stinky! He stinks!

Adam's brain said...

Since I'm auditioning for a job with Stinky, er, Mr. Vallone, I must prove my loyalty and obedience. So I will not rest until after the election, and will keep putting out ridiculous postings until the votes are officially counted.

And we all know that Mr. Vallone's head can out shine anybody else's.

Joe Moretti said...

Rudy Giuliani is as relevant as Saturday Night Live.

Anonymous said...

I got these Saffran cards in the mail and they are intelligent and easy to read. I learned something about Mr. Saffran. I especially liked the story about his daughter which I received last week. Very moving and informative.

On the other hand, I got a card in the mail from Mr. Vallone that only told me who's supporting him. This means little to me. Of course your own party will support you Mr. Vallone. But on the issues I still don't know where he stands.

I'm voting for Dennis Saffran.

Anonymous said...

I got these Saffran cards in the mail and they are intelligent and easy to read. I learned something about Mr. Saffran. I especially liked the story about his daughter which I received last week. Very moving and informative.

On the other hand, I got a card in the mail from Mr. Vallone that only told me who's supporting him. This means little to me. Of course your own party will support you Mr. Vallone. But on the issues I still don't know where he stands.

I'm voting for Dennis Saffran.

the reason you don't know where Vallone stands on the issues is because he only stands for one thing - Vallone.

There's nothing else to him, except the thuggish behavior and arrogance of someone who has spent his entire life being told that he deserves to be in office because it's his birthright.

Like the Crowleys, the Vallones have done tremendous damage to Queens for decades under the guise of friendly "Family" values.

The reality is simple:

If Paul Vallone wins, everything in northeast Queens will be for sale - nothing will be done because it's the right thing to do, only as a business transaction.

Anonymous said...

Valloney is Balloney... No matter how you slice it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have a list of elected officials who don't care about who they endorse and don't care about our community, that list is on Paul Vallone's latest flyer. All those idiots who endorsed him, did so because they were told to.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Although I'm a registered Democrat I'm DEFINITELY voting for Saffran.

These shameful Democrats are desperate--trying to import their future votes. This brand of political pandering is disgusting to many. That's enough to make me consider switching my party affiliation.

Maybe I should think of giving up my US citizenship and re-entering the country to get the privileges my family fought for.

Anonymous said...

Anyway you slice it, it's pure pork BS!

Anonymous said...

La famiglia di Vallone dynasty knows no shame. They're political mafioso thugs.

We hear that Vallone operatives have been stealing Saffran lawn signs...very adolescent. Is Adam Lombardi the squad leader?

Wattsamatta walyo, afraid of losing the election?
Don Paulo better go to confession at St. Andrews and do some serious penance.

"Bless me father for I have sinned".

Anonymous said...

Nobody really likes Vallone. They're fearful of his family's wrath so they appear to do his bidding. Only the Whitestone wise guys are in his corner...or is it the other way around?

Anonymous said...

Guliani did the same thing to John Tzanias in 1991 after Tzanias got fired for helping Guliani in 1989,
Guliani said he never knew him!

Anonymous said...

Cross-dresser Fruity Girliani - and his wierdo relitives - find pirverse pleasure in backstabbing. He dug up Lohta just because HANAC hired all the Pataki volinteers he fired from City Hall.

Adam's brain said...

I told you I'd continue to make up stories. No, I wasn't there - and no, the meeting did not take place. I'm just trying to scare people. But since no one takes me seriously, I'm just irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

This is Giuliani's last straw! First Cuomo, now Vallone! He's never getting elected to anything ever again!

Anonymous said...

I am voting Vallone, 100%.

I did not vote for Halloran last time, even though I did and still do like him on a personal level, and have been to his house. For one reason - I don't vote Republican.

I'm tired of the Republicans shutting down the government, and according to polls so are the rest of the country.

I will vote for an Independent. I will vote for Independence Party line. Or a lot of things. I will not vote Republican, Right-to-Life or Conservative.

I am just reading Saffran's wacko articles for City Journal about how he wants censorship of web pages and so forth. What a nut!

I am not wedded to a pro-developer, Democratic Party machine. Run a *moderate* as an independent or whatever and I might vote for them.

Look at a map of where in the country they vote Republican most heavily. It is in Mississippi and Wyoming. You really want your candidate associated with a party where that is the base?

Queens Crapper said...

Previous commenter is another low info voter for Vallone, who wanted to run as a Republican and a Conservative 4 years ago. He also only became pro choice when he began running this year.

Republicans in NYC are a very different animal than the ones elsewhere in the country.

Dennis Saffran is also running on the Reform Party line.

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