Friday, November 1, 2013

Crowley wants a 2nd AND 3rd term

Well, here's part 4 of the CD30 candidates' debate. In this segment, Liz Crowley basically states that she will run for a third term if elected to a second, even though she criticized Mayor Bloomberg for pushing for the extension before she assumed power. Then she and her sisters scream like a banshees at Paul Graziano, who asked a question from the audience about her support of a bill that prevents Rikers Island from reporting to ICE the presence of illegal alien criminals. (How dare he ask about her past voting record!) Finally, when a question from the audience asks why the renovation of the Juniper Valley Park bocce courts was so expensive, her answer was, "that's what it costs these days". The rude interrupting behavior continues.

Then in the last segment, when the candidates were allowed to ask each other questions, Crowley is asked why the good government group Citizens Union didn't support her, and dodges the question by pointing out that Caruana didn't get the endorsement because he was a racist, which Citizens Union never cited as their reason:

I'm sure a lot of people went home scratching their heads after witnessing this event.


Ned said...

This Liz sure doesn’t like answering the questions and has planted some people to help her out.

How someone so obtuse can be elected in the first place is an appalling discomfiture for New Yorkers.
Now about those so called illegal immigrant criminal future democrats for life: .
Make no mistake fact is should the government money run out or Obama amnesty not pass this group will be the first wave of rioting savages & looters coming through people windows robbing, raping & torching everything in sight. The cops will be outnumbered and nowhere to be found in Queens.

PS: I bet this “Liz” is one helluva madcap in bed judging by her size, raucous folly and body movements !!

Anonymous said...

On your knees and pucker up dizzy Lizzy. You've got a lot of "convincing" to do!

Anonymous said...

I know incumbents are always favored to win, and most likely to win... but after watching this debate, there is no reason why any voter in this district should vote to re-elect this incumbent.

Anonymous said...

It's almost enough - almost - to make me say Liz got what she deserved from Quinn.

Anonymous said...

Unlike Paul Vallone, who is a lying weasel, Liz Crowley is just dumb, plain and simple. But it makes you wonder who is controlling her - she is obviously not smart enough to plant people in the audience. Someone with brains is behind her. (Actually, her behind might be her best asset...)

Anonymous said...

Ned: you can find out the answer from her ex-lover, Brian McLaughlin.

Anonymous said...

She's a cow and if she gets re-elected, then the people of Middle Village get what they deserve. Her rude, obnoxious and entitled attitude is inappropriate for a public servant.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell me who he is. What are his accomplishments.
I have no info on him. Not going to vote for Crowley , but may not vote at all if I don't have more on Carruana.

Anonymous said...

Any chance of getting an itemized bill to see why it would cost $850,000 for a couple of trees and some benches to put around a remodeled bocce court.
Do you think the money could have been better spent by putting security cameras around banks on Metropolitan Ave. that are being robbed.

Queens Crapper said...

To the person who keeps sending in repetitive comments asking who Craig Caruana is, please Google "Craig Caruana interview" and read.

As if Crowley was somebody before she got elected. A no show job with the union and being McLaughlin's paramour don't count...

Anonymous said...

who's McLaughlin?

Anonymous said...

looked up and viewed the video post. WOW!
Both are horrible public speakers and Carruana hands movements show how nervous he is. He should have taken a public speaking course before running.
As a new resident to the area I already have no faith in either candidate.
Very poor performance by both and it seems that the crowd was a little to loud for a debate. It was if their parents were in the crowd watching their kids perform at a school play

Anonymous said...

McLaughlin is a former assemblyman convicted of ripping off a little league in his district who is now in jail. He gave Crowley a no show job as a union painter in return for sexual favors. Such impressive educational credentials on her resume and she needed to do that?

Anonymous said...

In this day and age when you can look up anything on the internet and find it in seconds why are some people asking dumb questions like "who is Craig Caruana or who is Brian McLaughlin?

As for Elizabeth Crowley, here's just a few articles to meet the real Dizzy Lizzy...

Queens Crapper said...

And if those sources are too biased for you, how about the Queens Chronicle and NY Post?

Anonymous said...

Ok , so It's obvious that The Juniper group
doesn't like Ms.Crowley, and since Mr. Carruana is a member I understand.
Since I am new to the area in the last year in needed to know more about them both.
As for asking who McLaughlin is , I don't think thats a silly question.
People who have lived in this area and have been on this site may be more familiar with him and his history.
But new voters not so much.
He's obviously a crook, but very unimportant as well.
Thanks for the links .
I'll send it to my friends who are new to the area as well. Since most are parents and like the area we do have a lot of concerns.
So far it looks like we need a third choice.

Anonymous said...

One thing I will credit Crowley for in this segment (and it gets lost in how stupid, boorish, and arrogant she is here) is the question she puts to Caruana about wanting to fix the bad system of discretionary spending while criticizing her for getting so little into the district and saying "he'll get results" and "excuses don't cut."

Well, if he's going to deliver at "getting results," he's going to have to deal with the democratic machine as a junior (both literally and figuratively) member of the council. If these new speaker reforms don't come through, Caruana may have to choose between getting results now and risk not getting it if he has to piss off the senior members in bringing long term change.

I know a lot of this debate is bluster, but promising too much is not change. Caruana is still obviously the better candidate.

Anonymous said...

Of course she does (Want a second and third term) once you've fed at the public teat it's difficult to imagine actually working for a living...Especially when you've no talent or marketable skills at all...

Anonymous said...

Of course she does (Want a second and third term) once you've fed at the public teat it's difficult to imagine actually working for a living...Especially when you've no talent or marketable skills at all...

So far, all she's capable of is a turd term!!!

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