Sunday, October 27, 2013

Streetlights being converted to LED

From NY1:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced Thursday that the city is replacing all 250,000 of its street lights with light-emitting diodes, known as LEDs.

The plan is expected to save at least $14 million per year.

New York's traditional street lights will have a slightly different look when the LEDs are attached.

Historic street lights will stay the same, but the bulbs will be different.

I hope it's not the headache-inducing LEDs!


Joe said...

Its great, perhaps the the best thing this jackass has ever done for this city.
I hated those dirty looking red-yellow high pressure sodium lamps since there onset.
The white LEDs are closer to the original mercury vapor lamps of the 50 and 60's.
This city will have a totally new "clean" look at night.

All the ham radio operators, police and EMS will be happy too. The LEDs make far less EMF and RF interference if any at all !

Anonymous said...

Whoa! What's the cost of conversion, who's getting the contract to convert and where are they going to purchase all of the led lights? This NY1 article stinks on details as usual.

Anonymous said...

How much is it going to cost us? NY is already like $110 billion in debt!

Anonymous said...

Try to buy one LED for your home...LED are VERY expensive! How much will it cost the taxpayers, and how many years will it take to recoup the costs?

Anonymous said...

Dont worry about the price of the bulbs. The real cost is the double-tripple OT pay for the union slobs they will have to shell out to have them all installed.

Anonymous said...

Crackheads gon be stealing dem shits and sellin dem.

Anonymous said...

And everyone of these LED bulbs will be made in China!

Joe said...

These lamp "heads" are made up of arrays of 5 watt modules and a simple AC to DC driver board
In Los Angeles they cost the city about $125 each in big quantity's. However the unions got over $1000 each for the 15 minute job it takes to swap the head.
--Yes made in China !
What really interesting is they cut light pollution by 90%. You can once again see stars at night on LA rooftops. The LEDs are mounted to fire all there light energy down on the roadways.

Anonymous said...

If you look at the LED bulbs on streetlights, the big eventual savings comes AFTER that first swap of the fixture. Right now you can figure around a 5 year lifespan for a HPS bulb (20K hours, figure 10 hours per night). LED bulbs last longer

I'm glad to see they are going "full cutoff" - you get less glare, which is good not only for seeing the stars, but because you are not loong at a lit surface of a bulb (Unless you look UP at a light), you actually can see better, because your pupils don't contract. It can actually seem 'darker', but the light on the ground is more even, and actually brighter, and you see more, but there is no light shining in your eyes

Joe said...

Completed by 2017 will turn into 2025
In spread out in LA where the conversion (3X as many lights) were done in months the unions should be booted from this contract so many private local company's aren't "locked out" 100s of local private electricians and roadway crews dropping cones can get the job done faster, cleaner and at 1/8 the cost.
You dont need, 2 IA electricians, 2 IA mechanics, a IA driver, IA bucket operator + a load of other unnecessary IA hogs to swap a lamp heads.
LED street lighting is a VAST dramatic improvement that shouldn't take till 2017 or more to compleate

Anonymous said...

Yeah this is all criminally orchestrated as usual. One person here is all happy about putting his signature on a blank check so he can see the stars better. What bullshit! He's already seeing stars. No wonder New Yorkers are constantly fighting to keep their hard earned money out of the grasp of idiots like that!

Anonymous said...

If they're made in China will wind up costing NYC more in the end.

Shoddy goods break down. Replacement and labor costs add up significantly!

Anonymous said...

Where's the break down on the costs of this newest debacle, as Bloomie slimes out the door. Who did this study, where it and what did that cost. Don't be gullible New Yorkers.

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