Friday, October 18, 2013

Shafran and Voskerichian refuse to endorse Vallone

From the Queens Chronicle:

Austin Shafran, who came in second, lost by 134 votes. Contacted Monday, he said he has no intention of endorsing Vallone and never will.

Chrissy Voskerichian, who placed fourth, said she is not endorsing anyone “and I never, ever will endorse Vallone. His campaign was disgusting.”


Anonymous said...

It makes sense! Lets hope the voters of CD19 don't endorse him.

Anonymous said...

How could anyone have voted for the guy who uses the innocent Newtown shootings victims on his flyer and then lies to the people and says he can't help it that REBNY endorses him. Is that what's going to happen if he's councilman "he can't help it" If he can't do anything about REBNY now he definitely won't do anything about if he gets in. REBNY wants to turn us into the next downtown Flushing and stinky is serving us up on a silver platter. Don't say you weren't warned!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It don't matter.
Vallone will win because he's a known brand name.

Who the hell is Dennis Saffran?

First there was Austin Shafran. Now there's Dennis Saffran. Do you see how confusing this all is?

Amidst all of this confusion, most will wind up pulling the lever for Vallone.

Confusion will make for a Vallone victory.
Confusion always help to win a battle.

Anonymous said...

If you vote for Stinky, I'll give you such a pinch!

Everyone who supported Shafran and Chrissy are smart enough to realize that even without a formal endorsement of Dennis Saffran, their candidates hate Vallone's guts because he's a lying weasel - and they will all vote for Dennis.

Anonymous said...

Vallone is a brand name and Saffran is confusing? With non-thinking like that, you have no business voting.

Anonymous said...

Vallone is a known brand name? As a lobbyist, a vile, malicious individual who slandered his opponents, a guy who has done nothing for our community, has no views on issues, and is in bed with real estate developers. Sorry- in many circles his name is more of a liability than a plus. And where is he? He is a lazy campaigner, rarely out there connecting with voters- again- banking on Daddy's coattails to get him into office Say NO to Vallone on Nov 5!

Anonymous said...

Austin, Chrissy, Avella: In 1997, then Borough Pres. Claire Shulman and the entire Queens Democratic Party establishment publicly endorsed Republican Giuliani over Democratic candidate Ruth Messinger. So why are you now so reluctant to publicly endorse Saffran, as Graziano did?

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

It don't matter.
Vallone will win because he's a known brand name. Who the hell is Dennis Saffran?First there was Austin Shafran. Now there's Dennis Saffran. Do you see how confusing this all is?
No it is not confusing, you make it confusing. Again you are one of these typical bitchy, negative people who say, "why bother". See, you are the problem and others like you. You are what people like Vallone want.

John said...

Who the hell is Dennis Saffran?

Funny how a lot of people knew who he was in 2001 when he narrowly lost to Tony Avella by one percentage point.

I would say that Saffran has done more for his neighborhood, Little Neck-Douglaston, than Vallone has done for his, North Flushing. Just ask some of the "damn Broadway-Flushing Homeowners" how committed Vallone has been to preservation and down-zoning.

It's very simple: Why do you think that the Real Estate Board of New York spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to get Paul Vallone to be the Democratic nominee for CD19? Because he's anti-developer??

Anonymous said...

Why does every store have a Vallone sign out here? What has he done for them? Is he paying them all off?

Wouldn't it be smarter for a business to be neutral in this arena?

Every mobbed-up guinea in the neighborhood has a Vallone sign.

Anonymous said...

It don't matter. Vallone will win because he's a known brand name
That's Valloney Balloney because he couldn't even win 1/3 of the democrat vote in the primaries. So much for branding and putting your sign all over the neighborhood. He only won by 134 votes, that's NOT a known brand. Don't drink the stinky kool aid.

Anonymous said...

Most store owners don't care because they don't live in the district and are happy to oblige any customer to wants to stick a sign in their window. Vallone has to do that because he can't rely on his "record of helping the community" because there is none. So.... they focus on getting signs everywhere. it's his only hope. That and having Adam Lombardi write hateful garbage about his fellow opponents.

georgetheatheist said...

Doesn't anyone have any balls around here?

Shafran hides under the table by not ENDORSING Saffran. Voskerichian says she never ENDORSES anyone. Two weasels if you ask me. And this is after all the crap that Vallone pulled on them. Do the right thing. You'll be rewarded in Heaven.

C'mon Austin and Chrissy. Show some backbone and stand up straight. Don't cower in the corner like little mice.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't anyone have any balls around here?

...Um, yeah. Paul Graziano. Don't be too harsh on Austin, though. For a guy who has spent his entire life as a Democratic machine insider, for him to say what he said - that he would never, ever endorse Vallone - is a big deal.

On the other hand, Chrissy has no excuse. She was chief of staff to Halloran for chrissakes.

Better that Dennis doesn't get that endorsement from her, anyway. She's pretty radioactive b/c of her deep connections to Fat Boy.

Anonymous said...

She also worked for Padavan

What's hiding under the bed? said...

It's amazing how everybody analyzes the shit out of everything. Theorizing here; theorizing there. Then the vermin gets elected and the analysts go home - to re-analyze again.

Anony2 said...

Vallone IS a brand name. Just because the 25 or 50 people that post on here wouldn't vote for him, doesn't mean 15000 other people won't. Yes, he barely won the primary but how many people vote in the primary compared to the election? This morning at Auburndale station his flunkies tried to give me literature, I said "No thank you" and the flunky said "Oh, you don't vote?"

Anonymous said...

It don't matter.
Vallone will win because he's a known brand name.

Who the hell is Dennis Saffran?

First there was Austin Shafran. Now there's Dennis Saffran. Do you see how confusing this all is?

Amidst all of this confusion, most will wind up pulling the lever for Vallone.

Confusion will make for a Vallone victory.
Confusion always help to win a battle.
I was thinking the same thing!
The 3rd poster wasn't saying that is how THEY think, they were saying that is how a lot of people vote in November.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been hearing that people are confused. I've been hearing "anyone but Vallone". That's not confusing at all.

Anonymous said...

Vallone is a lazy campaigner. He is not out there like Saffran. Where is he? He is banking on his name- which many react to negatively. Vallone us toast!

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