Saturday, October 19, 2013

Newtown mailer comes back to haunt Vallone

Oh my!


Gary the Agnostic said...

What's the over/under for how long it takes Vallone/Apelian/Lombardi to start whining about Saffran engaging in dirty politics by issuing this leaflet?

What's the line about turnabout?

Anonymous said...

4 out of 5 democrats pictured on that flyer are going to vote for Dennis Saffran.

Ain't that a kick in the head?

Anonymous said...

Waiting for the tortured explanation from Lombardi of why the Newtown mailer was okay.

Anonymous said...

"Democrats For Saffran" !!!
Vallone isn't a true Democrat. He's a Democ-RAT!

With henchman Apelian at his side in CB7...the district is doomed if wannabe Don Paulo, a la famiglia di Vallone, wins the election.

Your property values will go...down, down, down... when "the don" sells out your nabe to developers!

Anonymous said...

Sink Vallone. vote for Saffran

Anonymous said...

"Democrats For Saffran" !!!
Vallone isn't a true Democrat. He's a Democ-RAT!

With henchman Apelian at his side in CB7...the district is doomed if wannabe Don Paulo, a la famiglia di Vallone, wins the election.

Your property values will go...down, down, down... when "the don" sells out your nabe to developers!

Anonymous said...

This election is not even a case of "Anyone but Stinky." Saffran is a very strong candidate. Combine that with the residual bad feelings from the Newtown and other REBNY mailings, and Stinky will slither off to hide for another four years.

Anonymous said...

What Vallone did by NOT renouncing or condemning that flyer is the most disturbing.

He either thinks that flyer was a good idea (which would make him a mentally disturbed person) or he had no control over it because REBNY owns him.

Either way he did NOTHING. That's what he's always done and that's will continue if he gets elected.

Anonymous said...

The warning signs were there for Halloran but people ignored them because they didn't want Kevin Kim as their councilman, people made a really bad decision.

Now is everyone's chance to heed the warning signs and don't vote vallone.

In all fairness, Vallone has publicly accepted REBNY's endorsement, failed to show up to the HDC debate about land use and protecting our neighborhoods, never gives a straight answer and lies at all the debates.

So the signs are there, he is being his true self.

Are the voters going to be that stupid? Again? We shall see.....

Joe Moretti said...

Sticking with your own party in this day and age no longer makes any kind of sense. It is all about who is the right candidate who will benefit the people of the community and help to improve it.

Anonymous said...

So the signs are there, he is being his true self.

Not just signs ... billboards ... and they're even clearer than they were four years ago with Halloran.

Jerry Rotondi, Democrat for Saffran said...

Remember, it's "Valloney-baloney"--no matter how you slice it--pure pork!

And you are going to get "porked" real good, if you elect Paulie V to "represent" you!

His law firm represents the developers, who are just drooling, and waiting to get their mitts on your nabe.

Whoever writes Paulie's paycheck is who he will be loyal to--his developer boses.

Are you getting all of this Mr. Apelian?

Anonymous said...

Saffran has always worked hard for his community, is intelligent and well spoken. That's exactly what a councilman should be.
I don't want a loud, tough talking, obnoxious, big mouth, big ego like Halloran was. Stinky is following right in his footsteps.

Anonymous said...

Just got this mailer. I can't believe that piece of shit Vallone along with follow the buck chuck and that degenerate drunk Austin finian sent that shit out. We know Austin is working for park side again because park side Is doing the PAC work so they farmed out to mercury. No use denying it dwarfling. Great job as a spokesman you fucking donkey shyte!

What pieces of shit they are. Vallone passes himself off as a family man and then he oks this? Fucking garbage asshole.

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