Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Giant skyscraper planned for Queens Plaza

From Curbed:

Long Island City's Court Square microhood is getting yet another new apartment building—and this one is a biggie. Heatherwood Communites filed plans for a 596-foot-tall, 58-story at 42-12 28th Street, just down the block from the developer's new rental building 27 on 27th. The 28th Street project will have 477 apartments, ground floor retail, bike storage, parking, a pool, gym, and two roof terraces.

Can Queens - especially LIC - really absorb all these people? At what point is critical mass achieved?

Also trying to figure out how a building just south of Queens Plaza is considered to be in Court Square.


Urban Infidel said...

You want to see critical mass? Look at Williamsburg, Brooklyn where I have lived for the past 30 years. Luxury hi-rise condo complexes are going up by the dozen at a frantic pace with no end in sight.

In five to 10 years, when it finally slows down this area will be unlivable. Would hate to see that happen in the rest of our city.

Gary the Agnostic said...

My gosh, what a stroke of genius on the part of the developers! That is just what that area needs!

kingofnycabbies said...

58 stories. Add that to 5Pointz's 47 and 45, that's 150 additional floors of residences. This one is supposed to have ground floor retail, although how big and for what we don't know, whereas 5Pointz loses 2 commercial/retail establishments. How can city "planners" think that merely adding people and literally no space for necessary supporting businesses constitutes a livable neighborhood? LIC may be the most extreme version o this on display now, but this will play out across the city, and is simply unsustainable. Note to post-Bloomber/Burden administrations: if you do not demand the construction of sufficient business space for newly upzoned residential addresses, the whole city will become one big goddamn dormitory.

r185 said...

Usually when a developer puts up a building the City looks at parking impact and parking lot requirements. Do they EVER consider impact on subway service, sewer lines, and other strains on various systems? Sure doesn't seem like it.

Unknown said...

the main reason I left queens and the city as a whole. tired of living like animals on top of one another. land spreading out so far and wide, leave Manhattan just gimme that countryside.

Anonymous said...

There's also a 50 story building going up down the block with 900 apartments, and right next door to this space there is a hotel going in. No need to complain at this point, what's done is done apparently.

Anonymous said...

There will come a day when there are no single family homes in Queens anymore, just endless high rises as far as the eye can see, teeming with illegals, welfare queens and the like. no one will actually work as there will be no jobs.

Anonymous said...

Everything south of Queens Plaza and West of the LIRR was rezoned high rise many years ago if I recall right (many many years ago - 10?).

The idea all along has been to shed the 'empty' factories (most of which are still used in one way or another) and create a 'midtown east'.

The high rises will creep up the east river shore and prices for apartments further east along subway & bus routes will climb from the spill over.

Anonymous said...

Skyscraper is defined as more than forty stories

Anonymous said...

This city Sucks!! Why are they trying to make Queens more like Manhattan? If I wanted to live in Manhattan and pay Manhattan prices for rent and houses... I would....OMG (big idea) move to Manhattan!!
Fuck Bloomberg and fuck the developers who make this city so UNAFFORDABLE to live in!! Then the politicians complain "there isnt any families anymore in nyc- you aren't reproducing enough children"! Fuck the government and their dumb shit!!

Anonymous said...

I worked on the interior design of this building in its earlier stages.

It's a ridiculous luxury building that is not in keeping with the rest of the area.

By ridiculous, I mean there's a freaking nightclub that's meant for members-only in the space.

Anonymous said...

Weren't one and two family homes, and reasonably heightened, family friendly apartment buildings a huge part of the character of what made the neighborhoods of Queens so loved by us natives throughout the 20th century? That world has been destroyed. They have killed our beloved Queens. It's over Johnny.

Anonymous said...

well dont let the door hit you in the ass

good riddance

Nora from Dutch Kills said...

The really cool thing is that the Community Board 2 is so freaking stupid okaying this - they will soon lose control over their board in Sunnyside and all the attention (as well as funding and the board itself) will be diverted to L I Shitty.

Gianaris and Van Bramer are resume building and don't give 2 shits and don't get me started with Nolan.

The civics in western Queens? What civics in western Queens?

Snake Plissskin said...

After the first flood and the bloom fades from the rose, it will become very clear why there are no infrastructure here.

These are intended to warehouses of Manhattan's elite.

Check out Ponte City in South Africa for a glimpse at LIC in 40 years.

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