Friday, October 4, 2013

Expensive cheese coming to LIC

From the Daily News:

A former warehouse in Long Island City that’s owned by the developers of the Chelsea Market will be transformed into Queens version of the celebrated foodie paradise, the Daily News has learned.

Jamestown Properties is already bringing in artisanal food makers to occupy the ground floor of the Falchi Building on 47th Ave. near LaGuardia Community College.

“It’s the right type of image for the neighborhood,” said Dana Frankel of the Long Island City Partnership. “It aligns well with the neighborhood’s history and culture of creating things.”

One of the flagship tenants in the new market will be Artisanal Premium Cheese, which buys and sells curds from all over the world. The company will have a shop and a restaurant in the new market and will expand its aging caves.

About 20 full-time workers will be hired, too.

(Artisanal means it's going to be overpriced.)


Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me. Prices are what people will pay for things and if they're local, handmade, and exceptional the price is valid. As far as Queens goes, it's a good use of a fine old bldg. that I don't want to see replaced.

Anonymous said...


what a great place for food.

in the middle of a former industrial area between a train yard and newtown creek.

Anonymous said...

This will really stink up that neighborhood. The mice and hipsters will be in their glory.

Anonymous said...

Hey, is that first poster a Vallone troll or something? I mean, he had something positive to say about a plan for a property in LIC.

There's a theme to this here blog, pal. Look at the posts below yours and get with the program.

Anonymous said...

I thought 'artisanal' meant that which sucks.

Bugs Bunny said...

Ah! Have some cheese, rat!!!

Anonymous said...

(Artisanal means it's going to be overpriced.)
Sure, because cheese hand made in small batches from organic milk is just the same as the Kraft slices you can buy on the supermarket shelf anywhere in America.
Morton's steakhouse is overpriced too, it's the same meat as Sizzler right?

Queens Crapper said...

Never said that. But "artisanal" is used to describe just about everything these days to trick the consumer into thinking it is worth paying more for a quality product than is necessary.

Anonymous said...

Artisanal or Not? Inside the craze for everything artisan HELLO?

Anonymous said...

I posted the first comment and no you retard, I'm anti-Vallones. It's a good use of the building. Vallone & Crew would have it demo'd by Sano and new-crap-construction put up in it's place. And screw what you think this blog is about. The rest of the posters here are trolls. Useless trolls with nothing good or useful to say, including your petty thoughts. Any intelligent person would see this use of an old bldg. as keeping the scale and context in place.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good, I will visit and I'm not a hipster. Not sure why a poster has to say only "Archie Bunker" type comments are allowed or wanted. free speech an all...
but i do get a kick out of the absolute vitriol regarding anything that is not lower middle class or working class middle-age white male centric. lol you guys crack me up

Queens Crapper said...

Kind of funny that you think this blog is run for and by a white middle-aged lower middle class or working class male.

You'd be quite surprised how many posts are contributed by people of other races, women, who are just out of high school or college.

But then again, it fits your stereotype of who a typical Queens resident who cares about their community is.

I also didn't say that adaptive reuse of this building was bad, I pointed out that the one store selling imported cheese was going to be overpriced.

Amazing that people get their panties in a bunch over sarcasm.

Queens Crapper said...

Also, commenter #4 was exhibiting sarcasm.

Sorry that went over your head, too.

Anonymous said...

It's sad when people don't realize that everyone gets screwed by the machine, not just Archie Bunkers. There are no winners in Queens except for tweeders.

Anonymous said...

What's with all of this artisinal crap?
FDA should get after this false advertising just like some of the so called organic foods industry.

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