Thursday, September 5, 2013

LIC loses more character

From Lost City:

A reader wrote in to tell us that The Shannon Pot, the reliable old tavern and grill in Long Island City, not far from the Court Street subway stop, will be razed, along with the building it's in, in the next months. Taking its place will be, yes, another condo tower.

I can find no history of the building prior to its incarnation as The Shannon Pot. But the whole look of the building tells me its probably been a tavern for many years, and probably functioned under many names. The disused side door tells of an old-fashioned "Ladie's Entrance" that once existed. And there are tin ceilings and a room in back that looks like it may have been a kitchen or part of someone's former apartment.


Anonymous said...

There is some real character in those buildings - you do not have to put in a massive tower. This part will probably be the garage effectively killing that corner. You see of lot of that in LIC. At some point a critical mass is reached and the community becomes cheerless, souless, and dangerous.

There was a famous 20th century NY labor leader from Davis Street. Any takers on who he was?

Joe said...

What a shame that was an old speakeasy. I used to go in there for lunch when I worked for See Factor. Who's the owner? I want to buy the doors, some lights and bar top if they are original

Alen said...

used to go there after work when i worked in the area. the owner was a good chef and made some awesome food

Erik Baard said...

Thanks for sharing the insight into the size door. That use hadn't occurred to me.

Anonymous said...

On Saturday nights people drink all night at that bar and go for a good quick bang in the courthouse bushes on a regular basis

Anonymous said...

This pub, at least the exterior, was used in the filming of the short lived TV show The Black Donnellys.

Anonymous said...

Out of all the abandoned buildings in lic? Really? Why does queens need more expensive condos?? There are so many coops and condos that are on sale as it is because the average person doesn't have a 20 percent down payment...... I can't wait until dickberg is out of office, he made the middle class the broke class.......goodbye dickberg!

Scott68 said...

I have a drink there almost every Friday, I'll miss it. I believe everything is for sale when the time comes.

From corner to corner, it's the same project, there aren't separate developments there, everyone has been paying attention to 5 points only, the Shannon Pot is part of it.

Anonymous said...

The adjacent "5 Pointz" building can currently be seen featured in the feature film, "Now You See Me".

It has become such a world icon...enough be actually referred to as "5 Pointz" in the movie.

Damn those greedy slumlords, Gerald Wolcoff & Son, who own the whole damn block!

What goes around comes around.

Perhaps after they both pass away, Providence might have them return to Earth as a rock or a turd from a Camel's ass.

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