Monday, April 22, 2013

The latest garbage update from Jamaica

Will keep this short and sweet.

Apartment Building at 89-19 170th St, 89-17 170th St, 89-15 170th St. I have complained a million times in regards to this building and their trash containers which always have no lids and loose garbage in them. The winds blow this shit always over to our building across the street. DOS keeps going out there and fines them, but this continues over and over again. The owners must be forced to properly store their garbage. Right now it is not too bad but by Monday it will be much worse. This is a constant pattern.

2.169-23 90th Ave, corner empty lot at 170th St/90th Ave. Have been complaining about the condition of the sidewalk for over a year. DOB issued a violation several months ago, but the situation still has not been fixed. This owner rarely comes out to clean-up the garbage along side the sidewalk, does not cut the grass/weeds which is beginning to already get high and does not clean out the lot every now and then. Since I am always cleaning, I think I will claim this property through individual eminent domain but before I do that I will have a lawsuit against both the owner and the city, should I just happen to trip and get hurt while walking there.

3. Abandoned House at 89-24 168th Pl. Garbage in front of house including a bathtub that was dropped off there and the structure seems to be a hazard, especially since there is no fence around it. The low class scum on both sides of this house obviously have no problem since this has been like this for awhile. Garbage begats Garbage and low class scum begats low class scum.

4. Empty House at 89-25 168th Pl. This house has had a stop work order for a long time now, but the metal face is broken and all kind of shit can be dumped in there. Another eyesore on this skid row block, which could be a really nice little block if low class scum did not live there.

Here are the two options:




Joe Moretti
Jamaica, NY 11432

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we're filling up with savages

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