Friday, April 12, 2013

City app for finding parking spaces & paying meters

From CBS New York:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg unveiled a pilot program Tuesday that will allow drivers to add parking time remotely by using a smartphone app, the internet or by telephone.

Motorists will also receive a text message or email alerting them their time is about to expire. They will then be able to purchase additional time and extend their parking periods.

Drivers will also be able to spend less time hunting for a parking space with the city’s new real-time curbside parking availability map that can be viewed on the Internet, smartphones and tablet devices.


Anonymous said...

"Drivers will also be able to spend less time hunting for a parking space with the city’s new real-time curbside parking availability map that can be viewed on the Internet, smartphones and tablet devices."

Leave it to our obtuse mayor to come up with a flawed plan. Can't you see drivers racing to park in a spot that was just taken by another driver? This can't be safe for pedestrians or other drivers. Also, people using these devices while driving! Really? The idea is as stupid as putting a fowl magnet (garbage transfer station) near the end of a LaGuardia runway.

Anonymous said...

How about NYC setting up an app that could help us taxpayers trace suspected nefarious activities of elected officials and city employees?

We live in an age of electronic miracles, so why not?

Anonymous said...

And how does adding more time on this app change the time on that little ticket on the dashboard?

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