Monday, March 4, 2013

Opposing the USTA's land grab

Civic leader Ben Haber testifies during a meeting of Queens Community Board 7 held on February 11, 2013, in opposition to the proposed expansion of the United States Tennis Association in Flushing Meadows Corona Park.

And here's his letter to the NY Times from 1993...

The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Anonymous said...

Right on, Ben!

Anonymous said...

Ben is a brilliant orator who nobody listens too.
He's throwing pearls before a pack of crooked swine!

Anonymous said...

". . . a public cuckholding of the residents of this city . . . " He has a way with words, that Ben. Thanks for all that you do.

Anonymous said...

what bullshit , what is up with all the crooks in new york, vote them out ,

Anonymous said...

Thankfully, the city did not listen to Mr. Haber in 1993. If the city had not approved the US Open's move to Flushing Meadows, NYC may very well have lost the US Open to another city. The US Open is one of the world's premier tennis events. It is an event that benefits the city in many ways, not least of which is the over $700 million that the event brings to NYC every year. There are many, many people that feel that 10% of the park is a small price to pay for an event that brings such great economic benefits to the city each and every year.

Anonymous said...

been there ,done that . we as a Auburndale/Bayside community united did not quit when the democrat machine thieves attempted to steal 25000 sq ' of P.S.130 playground,basketball courts and park property. we also had the school reopened ,after six years,instead of auctioned by the city dictators.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Ben!
Begs the question: How much has the USTA made since moving to Flushing Meadows nearly 35 years ago? It's been 35 years already!
How much have they donated to improving and maintaining the park over those 35 years?
Imagine what could have been done over all of that time.

Anonymous said...

Economic benefiT ?? After all the police and other agencies overtime we see a net of abot 8 bucks.......

Anonymous said...

"It is an event that benefits the city in many ways, not least of which is the over $700 million that the event brings to NYC every year. There are many, many people that feel that 10% of the park is a small price to pay for an event that brings such great economic benefits to the city each and every year."

What benefit has NYC seen from this? More cops? No. More teachers? No. Better sanitation? No. Infrastructure improvements? No. Renovated Flushing Meadows? No. All we got were more tweeding deals, a la Willets Point, $100M golf course in the Bronx, etc.

Anonymous said...

RE :the P.S.130Q Auburndale/Bayside community land grab by dem. machine
bureaucrats. after testifying at B.S.A ,the Dep.Comm. NYC Real Estate Terrence Moan,resigned under a NYC D.O.I. probe,approx. 1986.
it was a news must file a FOIL to get details.

Anonymous said...

Anon no. 10:

English translation please? And while you're at it, attempt to tell us how this relates to what Crapper posted.

Anonymous said...

#11.....headline reads :land grab.

the queens dem. machine in 1981 closed a public school ,bused the 400 local pupils away,tried to auction the building, and tried to steal 25000 sq' of community property. the community protested legally for six years.

and the thief in charge ,probably following orders in city hall resigned,under d.o.i. probe.

the public school is again seating pupils(the highest scoring math/language arts ),IN THE STATE OF NY.

we 1980's citizens did not quit . a cable company did not replace our public community facilities.the B.S.A. met their match.......

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