Monday, January 21, 2013

You are who your friends are

From the NY Post:

A number of Congressman Gregory Meeks’ friends are now in jail or under indictment, as prosecutors ramp up a federal probe into the New York Democrat.

One old pal, Ponzi schemer Allen Stanford, is already in federal prison; another, Edul Ahmad, is facing sentencing in a $50 million mortgage scam; and Albert Baldeo was recently charged with campaign-finance fraud.

Baldeo, the latest of Meeks’ pals to be arrested, is a Queens immigration lawyer whom the congressman described as a “good friend.”

Baldeo was arrested by federal authorities in October, charged with using straw donors in his failed 2010 City Council bid. He was accused of giving friends and associates money to donate to his campaign in their own names in an attempt to boost contributions and gain city matching funds.

Meeks, 59, had a satellite district office in a building owned by Baldeo from 2002 to 2004.

Baldeo told The Post he gave Meeks a break on the rent because he wanted the congressman to have a presence in his Richmond Hill community. House rules prohibit representatives from receiving below-market rent.

Baldeo is negotiating a possible plea deal with the feds. He faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison on each of the four charges.


Joe Moretti said...

Another corrupt Jamaica politician. It is getting that you need a score card to keep track of the corrupt and questionable Jamaica rogue gallery politicians. Is it any wonder why Jamaica is that way it is. This is our tax dollars at work while our community suffers under extremely poor leadership.

Anonymous said...

Mix that with corrupt Richmond Hillies and you have a cesspool. Ahmad and Baldeo are tips of the RH iceberg.

Anonymous said...

And Meeks was speaking at a rally last week in Rockaway leading the chant, "pass the bill". to get the Sandy aid federal money. One person in the audience commented, do you really want Gregory Meeks to have control of that money?
They said he's doing nothing for his constituents.

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Anonymous said...

Meeks Has never done anything for his constituents. It's all for Meeks and his pals.

Anonymous said...

Remember councilman Archie Spignor?
He was the prince of corruption.

Donald Manes, the king of crooks,
was another Jamaica home boy.

Keep up the fight, Mr. Moretti, and expose these kind of bandits for who they really are.

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