Friday, December 21, 2012

Who knew you could do that?

From the Daily News:

Broad Channel homeowner Joan Delahunt, still reeling from the impact of Hurricane Irene, was working on a plan to raise the level of her flood-prone home when Superstorm Sandy struck.

“The [insurance] adjuster called me the week before Sandy hit,” said Delahunt, a musician and teacher, whose home was wrecked beyond repair from the October storm. “I had most of the paperwork I needed.”

Homeowners like Delahunt can get financial help to raise the level of their homes under a little-known provision in their flood insurance.

Local civic leaders are calling on the city to help streamline the process so more Broad Channel property owners can increase the elevation of homes and stave off future flood devastation.

“After Sandy, during the clean-ups, I ran into a lot of people who said they are going to raise their homes,” said Dan Mundy Jr., president of the Broad Channel Civic Association. “But it’s a stress on their resources. More people would do it if they knew about this program.”

Mundy said property owners who file Increased Cost of Compliance claims through the National Flood Insurance Program can receive up to $30,000 to help raise structures above the flood elevation level.

In order to qualify, homeowners must have sustained “substantial” damage. It’s a standard that, sadly, won’t be difficult for many homeowners to reach.


Anonymous said...

He might be considering raising the level of his house...
but think of how high his insurance carrier will be raising his premiums to!

He's F----d every which way!

Anonymous said...

The insurance company spreads the costs of this around to people who will never see a flood. Dan's insurance goes up, but so does everyone elses.

Anonymous said...

Poor bastard!

My cousin has since moved from Long Beach, L.I.
to Florida...FAR INLAND!

Her pre-Irene insurance flood insurance deductible was $1,000. Post-Irene it rose way up to $11,000!

Post-Sandy ?????....WTF knows what it will be!

I guess she'll restore and rent the damaged home for awhile, then sell it off for what she can get in a few years.

Good luck, couz!

Anonymous said...

Yeah great idea. Stay put in the flood-shore-storm-prone tidal zone. Pour more good money (both yours and my taxes) down a bottomless hole. Don't ever consider moving someplace else. I'm sure no place else in the entire country comes close to what you have now.

Queens Crapper said...

This is how they do it. It's not a bad idea. No one is going to move away from the shore if they've lived there their whole lives.

Anonymous said...

Let the house have only one bite at the apple. If there's one flood and its repaired by our taxes, ok. The next time - no insurance, no FEMA money, no city money - you eat all the costs.

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