Monday, November 26, 2012

Opportunity arises from tragedy

From the NY Times:

New York State will hire more than 5,000 unemployed residents in temporary positions to help clean up debris and distribute supplies in areas stricken by Hurricane Sandy, the Cuomo administration announced on Sunday.

The jobs will pay roughly $15 an hour and could last as long as six months. They will be available to residents in the communities that were most affected by the storm, including areas of New York City, Long Island and the Lower Hudson Valley.

State officials said that hiring would be focused on young people as well as the long-term unemployed, and that the positions would be financed by a grant of nearly $28 million from the federal government.

To be eligible for the positions, prospective workers must be unemployed, at least 18 and live on Long Island, in the five boroughs of New York City or in Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster or Westchester Counties. Residents can apply for jobs by calling 1-888-469-7365 or by filling out an online form.


Anonymous said...

A large segment who get these jobs won't even show up. if they do they'll drag a broom behind theselves while using their phone..... Use the$$$ to fund Sanitation ot.let the pro's handle the job!

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 1: If they don't show up they don't get paid.

Anonymous said...

So..will they be paid while they are standing around yapping on their cell phones to their brother's sister's baby momma's daddy's cousin? Just curious, Governor.

Anonymous said...

This will not work. It only opens up opportunity for some of these workers to loot while on the job.
Will there be a screening and background check?

Anonymous said...

Ever since Sandy struck I was wondering why the Dept. of sanitation was not hiring temp workers to clean up. like they do after a snowstorm. Maybe because there are more hazards innvolved. Will these temp workers have adequate protection from mold and other toxic substances they are cleaning up such as sewerage mixed with heating oil and gasoline?

Anonymous said...

Will there be a screening and background check?
Of course there will be. How could you ever dare to be so cynical of our highly competent elected officials. Don't they ALWAYS take every precaution to protect the safety of their constituents by thrroughly screning every potential employee who will come into close contact with the general population? Just look at the wonderful job they do thoroughly screening all the imigrants who come into the country. I guarantee you, the same strict, thorough discretion will be applied to this program!

Anonymous said...

Let the class actions start!

Anonymous said...

Hope they do background checks and thorough screenings. If not -- Let the Looting Begin!

Anonymous said...

this temp $$$$ is fine,and may help the Sandy victims clean up.

But the real solving of the NYS 9-15% unemployment crisis is Gov. Cuomo's approving of Fracking shale for natural gas in NYS.He is stalling the process and stopping workers from earning a reported $81,000/year. Why?


other state's workers are employed in this industry and no environmental damage has been proven ?

Anonymous said...

Why stop fracking you ask, because our politicians think a good job is at Walgreens or target, they like for people to earn 17,000 a year so they can spend it at aqueduct. You ever wonder why the liberals don't care if you gamble all your money away, they don't want people earning alot of money, then those people won't need their help anymore

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 10:

English translation, please?

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