Monday, November 5, 2012

A-train bay crossing needs to be rebuilt

From The Politicker:

At a press briefing Thursday night, MTA chief Joe Lhota said it would be some time before A-train service could be restored to the Rockaways due to extensive damage to the Broad Channel crossing that carries the train between Howard Beach in Brooklyn to the Rockaways.

“The amount of destruction on the A-train over Broad Channel is indescribable,” Mr. Lhota told reporters. “I’ve seen it, I’ve seen pictures of it, the amount of damage, this was almost a direct hit. It’s over water, it’s through marshland, it’s going to take quite a long time to rebuild this, and I’m talking about rebuilding this. I’m talking about the water that went underneath and really affected the structural integrity. This part of the world, what happened in the Rockaways was really devastating. Not only that, but this A-train, that extends from Howard Beach over here, it’s just nightmarish.”

The Broad Channel crossing runs over three bridges and miles of track just feet from the waters of Jamaica Bay. It can make for a beautiful seen of families on the beach and fishermen, of herons and egrets taking flight, as well as planes from JFK. But during a severe storm such as Sandy, this can prove a liability. Our greatest strength is our greatest weakness, as the Governor Cuomo has said time and again.


Anonymous said...

No shit, Sherlock!

Anonymous said...

Remember when Claire Shulman first started pushing for "Arverne By The Sea"?

Welcome to "Arverne By The Hurricane".

Anonymous said...

That crooked cow is still around screwing Queens.

Anonymous said...

How about connecting the LIRR Far Rockaway branch to the A tracks on the peninsula? Seems cheaper than rebuilding the cross-bay rail. Unfortunately, it deprives Broad Channel of subway service.

Anonymous said...

Why not the entire LIRR Rockaway Line? Oh right, the NIMBYs.

In the meantime, at least restore the subway towards Howard Beach-JFK.

Anonymous said...

carries the train between Howard Beach in Brooklyn to the Rockaways

Last time I checked Howard Beach was in Queens.

Loudrich said...

Incredible they could make a shuttle on the elevated tracks from one end of the rockaways to mott ave then shuttle people to the LIRR its looks about 2000 feet less then 1/2 mile...and its less then 1 hour to penn station....sutpin has the jze trains and woodside the 7.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 4:

Doing that would ask people in Roickaway Park to ride to Manhattan via Valley Stream, the Five Towns and the whole Rockaway Peninsula. You think anyone would want to do that?

Loudrich said...

well you could run shuttle bus to Howard beach say every 15 minutes

This is not going to fixed for get a nice ride and seat and take the scenic route to Penn station.

Anonymous said...

How much more isolated and forgotten can Rockaway become in the eyes of the Bloomberg administration?

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