Monday, October 29, 2012

Some Rockaway residents are staying put

From the Queens Courier:

Despite calls from elected officials in the area, many Rockaway residents say they’re staying, and have hunkered down for the impacts of Hurricane Sandy.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced earlier today that NYCHA would begin shutting down elevator service, heating and hot water in the 26 housing developments within Zone A as a means to drive people from the flood zones and into shelters.

John D’Arrigo said he and his wife Ruthanne are staying put in their beachfront apartment — although they evacuated last year for Hurricane Irene.

“Last year we kind of evacuated,” he said on the boardwalk of Rockaway Beach, “but this time we’re going to stay here.”

D’Arrigo, like many others who plan to stay, said he stocked up on necessary items and will wait out the storm.

“We’re hoping for the best and preparing for the worst,” he said.

Likewise, Oscar Izquierdo said he was not worried about the storm, or flooding in his third floor apartment. His concern right now was potential flooding or water damage to his car.

The city has been working all weekend to build sand barriers around potential flood sites on the southern coast of the peninsula, particularly around Beach 116th Street and Rockaway Beach Park.


Anonymous said...

the Parks Department were acting for the cameras! go a little way down the boardwalk and it was open to the public.

in front of the cameras, cops told surfers they would be given a summons if they went in the water. if that was really a fact, what about the surfers already in? why didn't NYPD or the Parks Dept. send a boat to get them out.

this is nothing but hype.

Anonymous said...

brick and stone buildings are the safest location during a hurricane. the wind/ sound and rain can be scary .

georgetheatheist said...
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Anonymous said...

There's no accounting for stupidity.

Anonymous said...

The bungalows if still around are probably under water. I am sure the city wouldn't mind getting rid of them!

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