Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sanitation in NYC is great...or is it?

From the NY Observer:

It seems that trash, as well as beauty, is in the eye of the beholder if two studies of New York’s street cleanliness are anything to go by. Travel + Leisure recently released a much-publicized list that found New York to be the dirtiest city in America. In an effort to try and rebut this filthy scarlet letter, the city's Independent Budget Office dug into the Mayor's Management Report, released the following week, that found 95.5 percent of the New York City's streets here are "acceptably clean."

The IBO collated information from the 2012 fiscal year, which found that the vast majority of streets in New York only have scattered litter here and there. It is a far cry from the results of the magazine’s survey, which apparently sees the place as one giant trash heap. This makes the city’s $81m investment in street cleaning measures seem pretty futile.


Anonymous said...

Imagine if there were no BIDs throughout the city? Private enterprise and concerned volunteers have been doing the job of DSNY for years now ...

Anonymous said...

How clean the streets are really varies depending on neighborhood in this city and unfortunately the Bloomberg administration is in complete denial about it.

Non-touristy, middle class and working class commercial areas are often filthy. I don't blame the residents nor do I blame the sanitation workers themselves. I blame Mayor Mike.

There's really an attitude of out of sight, out of mind with this man. The above-described areas need more attention than they currently get. But for anybody but the wealthy in this city, livability be damned.

When you live in a place like Corona, Glendale, Queens Village, Jamaica or Maspeth it's appalling just how little bang for the buck you get considering how much you pay in taxes (city income tax + city sales tax + property tax). Plus, you're expected to just put up with stuff in your neighborhood that no wealthy neighborhood would ever tolerate: garbage trains, vehicle maintenance facilities, vacant lots full of trash, etc.

Makes me wish Queens could just secede. What are we getting out of this anyway? Is it still worth being a part of this city?

Wouldn't it make more sense to have a city of about two million manage its own affairs close by than to have a city of eight million manage your affairs from afar?

Jerry Rotondi said...

I'd like to see what "Travel + Liesure" would have to say about sanitary conditions in downtown Flushing.

Are you following my comments, Flushing BID, CB#7, elected officials?


Anonymous said...

The Floo-shing BID hasn't done shit except allow the odor of it to stink up the streets.

Councilman Koo ought to be noticing this problem as well as the overcrowding.

Did Peter wear a nose clip during that televised video tour he just took around town?

Joe Moretti said...

Jamaica Queens! Enough said.

Anonymous said...

As long as people are pigs, there is nothing that will improve conditions. I never see building owners sweep and clean their sidewalks anymore-- except in high end buildings and offices. Tolerate pigs, live like a pig.

Anonymous said...

You are a simpleton.

Slap 'em with very heavy fines...over and over and over!

You'll see improved conditions, and NYC will benefit extra from the increased revenue.

Anonymous said...

has got to hold the benchmark for filth in NYC!
It's even dirtier than its sister Chinatown.

Jamaica pales by comparison...not that it's clean.

Queens Logic said...

When you live in a place like Corona, Glendale, Queens Village, Jamaica or Maspeth it's appalling just how little bang for the buck you get considering how much you pay in taxes (city income tax + city sales tax + property tax). Plus, you're expected to just put up with stuff in your neighborhood that no wealthy neighborhood would ever tolerate: garbage trains, vehicle maintenance facilities, vacant lots full of trash, etc.

Makes me wish Queens could just secede. What are we getting out of this anyway? Is it still worth being a part of this city?

Sure, and be under the control of the city council delegation responsible for this clown.

You sound like those that want to go to Canada to escape Obamacare - a joke that is likely over your head.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it just great they decided to cut back on collection from public cans along Myrtle ave? it becomes a pile of trash on every corner.

Good plan.

Anonymous said...

Queens Logic,
--go to Canada to escape Obamacare-- yeah, hilarious.
so exactly what do places like Corona, Glendale, Queens Village, Jamaica & Maspeth get by being part of NYC? good things that is.
do you live in one of these nabes? own a place in one of these nabes?please enlighten us idiots with your hopefully first hand knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Were you one of those idiots that supported Queens secession about 25 years ago?

Have you any f-----g idea what you would be paying in taxes if Queens ever left New York City?

Scratch your head and see if you can find some gray cells in there somewhere, fella.

Anonymous said...

******Were you one of those idiots that supported Queens secession about 25 years ago?

Have you any f-----g idea what you would be paying in taxes if Queens ever left New York City?******

Okay, now we're talkin'!!!

Anybody have any current possible tax numbers backed up by research if Queens seceded from the city?

Love to hear what people have to report!

I really am curious to hear numbers supported by facts. Let's hear numbers! And go ahead and throw in some insults if it makes you feel better. (Personally, it cracks me up!)

Anonymous said...

first you would have to buy everything from the Then you pay for cops, firemen, teachers, etc. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !!!!

Your taxes would skyrocket just like they have on Long Island.

That's why a lot of those towns are going broke.

Oh...I are going to start a revolution and seize everything.

You're an A-S-S!

Anonymous said...

Well that make 2 cracks...head and ass...
and that cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

You should be the one providing the tax data to support your "facts", pin head,
since you are the one that's trying to convince us that secession is better.

I think that our more intelligent readers have already got your number, fella.

Anonymous said...

don't some of you have book reports to do?

The Flushing Phantom said...

While riding the Port Washington LIRR line last night,
I nodded off for a moment.

I was awakened by what I thought was the stench of a passenger farting.

Then I noticed that we were passing over the Flushing River. PHEW! That was my mistake.

It was a good thing though, because I would have passed my Murray Hill stop.

Joe from Richmond Hill said...

Anonymous said:
" I don't blame the residents nor do I blame the sanitation workers themselves. I blame Mayor Mike." End quote.

Well, I do blame the residents! They are the ones who empty the trash from their cars onto my sidewalk. They are the ones that leave their
trash on my hedges. They are the ones that let their dogs crap on my sidewalk and don't pick it up. They are the ones that throw litter out of their car windows on the streets and highways. They are the ones that dump furniture on vacant properties and parks.

What I blame Mayor Mike for is not really cracking down on the litterers instead of the propery owners. I clean up litter infront of my house every day. I am picking up after lazy inconsiderate people!

Anonymous said...

Dan Halloran ought to ask "the three Sanitation workers" for their perspective on things.

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