Saturday, October 6, 2012

Group pushes for plastic bag ban

From WPIX:

The same people behind the brand new plastic bag ban/paper bag charge law that went into effect in San Francisco on Monday, have their sights set on New York City.

Environmental group Clean Seas Coalition says disturbing images like plastic patches swirling in the Pacific Ocean to plastic bags hanging in trees in Central Park has them pushing to ban those bags for good across the country.

So who stands to profit from the plan? That varies from city to city. Romer says depending on the structure of the ordinance, the money will either go to the retailer or to the city to create some kind of environmental fund.

The plan pushes people to pick up reusable bags. While customers can buy the reusable ones at Gristedes Market in Midtown Manhattan, they blow through the free plastic ones.

But in the end, will it be money wasted, or more paper and plastic trashed?


Anonymous said...

I bring a bag 90% of the time I go to the store. The other 10% is when I'm too dumb to remember to, or when I unexpectedly go to the store. And those times I carry the stuff w/o a bag if possible. Humans are stupid, lazy and ignorant of the environment and our impact upon it. They bring bans like this upon themselves. I'd rather to say no to gov't. control, but like I said, humans are so friggin' stupid that this kind of stuff will happen again and again, just like all those science fiction novels told us they would. Welcome to the future: ban the bags.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!

The trees will freeze to death without their winter leaves!

Oh no!

Grocery stores will go out of business just like they all did 50 years ago when there weren't any plastic bags!

Oh no!

People won't be able to afford to buy food or be able to carry it home just like 50 years ago when everybody in the U.S. starved to death because there weren't any plastic bags!

No! No!! Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Shulman ought to be bagged....the old bag!

Anonymous said...

I use the grocery bags for garbage bags. They are perfect for a small household.

Anonymous said...

The only tolerable thing to have come from San Francisco has been Rice-A-Roni.

Anonymous said...

Europeans have banned plastics and gone to paper bags that you can buy - otherwise you can carry a lightweight reuseable carryall.

Costco & Aldi don't give you a bag or give you an option to buy a paper bag or reusable one.

Anonymous said...

Plastic bags are a drop in the bucket.

Practically EVERYTHING we buy is packed in plastic:
Take out food containers; styrofoam packing; etc.
The list goes on forever !

No wonder we are petroleum dependent.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 5:

What about Creedence Clearwater Revival?

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the plastic, I find it particularly disturbing to see car owners enter the grocery store w/o a reusable bag and they leave the store with 20 plastics. They have the convenience of a trunk where they can store bags. Yes. most people are extremely ignorant of environmental issues and too lazy to help curb their carbon footprint!

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