Monday, October 8, 2012

Gone batty in North Flushing

"This afternoon [Friday], I found a bat hanging in the tree outside my house in North Flushing. Might have been half-asleep - it was stretching a little bit and making little hissing noises. Never saw that before." - John


Unknown said...

I would love some bats around here. They keep away mosquitos :)

Anonymous said...

is that it's "BATMOBILE" parked at the curb?

Count Dracula said...

North Flushing
reminds me of my home in Transylvania.

Dr. Van Helsing said...

That's just "batty" Dan Halloran taking another form.

Sometimes he's a wolf working for developers,
or restaurant owners like Joey "d'or" Franco.

Don't let him into Congress,
or he'll suck the blood from your community!

there's a lot at stake here.

Robin said...

Holy North Shore, Batman!!!

Anonymous said...

"doofy" Dan "holerin" Halloran,
REALLY SUCKS, big time!

Anonymous said...

I would stay away. Typically bats are not in the open like that. So I'd be wary in case the bat is rabid.

Fern Ellen Cohen said...

I echo Michelle Cook-Lopez.....bats eat mosquitoes, so they are good. However, with the recent temperature drop, this bat won't be "hanging out" much longer. It will soon be retiring to the "bat cave" for the winter,, and the mosquitoes too.

Joe said...

Yes, be glad you have this bat around to eat the mosquitoes which have been worse than ever. A fungus has killed most of the bat population in the north east in the past few years. They mosquitoe population has exploded as a result. You can buy or make a shelter for the bats in your area to keep the bat population up and the mosquitoe population down.

Anonymous said...

If that was found on Main Street it would have been on someone's menu!

Anonymous said...

warning to traitors....this how you are hung after liberation.

fed up with Asians said...

As soon as I have the $$$$ to leave the Main St. region,
I'm outta here like a bat outta Hell !

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 11: LOL!!!!!

Mirta Lu said...

Life can be really funny sometimes. You were not very fond of squirrels but you have had quite the weird encounters with them. The only good thing is that you haven’t run into them at home, in this story, at least. Check for openings leading to the house. It will be hard to keep them from the garden, but you can at least feel safe from them in your house. ;)

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