Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Elmhurst, past and present

I give credit to the videographer for recognizing crap when he sees it.


Anonymous said...

Sad, actually Elmhurst looks a lot worse than depicted. This is what happens to a neighborhood in NYC without a functional Buildng Department.

Joe Moretti, Jamaica, NY said...

Another Queens neighborhood down the "crapper" while our leaders just stand by, do nothing and watch the disintegration of a community.

Anonymous said...

Visually interesting, but titles are rather haphazard. Frequently passing too quickly, and white titles often on light or near white backgrounds.

Anonymous said...

The film is amateurish at best, the neighborhood is done and worse.

Anonymous said...

It's changed and not for the better. As in all neighborhoods, different classes move in and bring their culture with them and that's fine. Only difference here, is the Asians aren't a very clean race and still live as though they're in China. When you walk past the homes, it's dirty and smelly. Ahh so!

georgetheatheist said...

How can I get an apartment in beautiful Lefrak City?

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