Friday, October 12, 2012

Drill, Baby, Drill!

It's Friday. You know what to do.

Photo from Times Ledger.


Anonymous said...

I'll practice on this first ....

Anonymous said...

Toby: "So that's what it feels like!!!"

Anonymous said...

Moby: "You know, I'm as dry as that piece of wood."

Anonymous said...

Moby: "I'm next! You want sawdust? I'll show you sawdust!"

Auntie Invasion said...

You might want to turn the cameras off. this is gonna get dirty.

Anonymous said...

Toby S---

I'm gonna form a North Flushing Senior Center splinter group so I can double my $500 million take! Life is good! Vote for me!

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin was right!!! Drill, baby drill! I gotta cavity that money can fill...

Anonymous said...

Wow, three tools in one photo.

Anonymous said...

I wish my hair transplant was finished.

Anonymous said...

Toby says...
I never thought I'd be jealous of a power tool!!! Nobody wants to give me the drill. You know the drill.

Anonymous said...

Wow, three tools in one photo.



A Better NYC said...

"Hey, can I borrow that to really screw the taxpayers"!

Anonymous said...

Is that the "hole" truth?

Anonymous said...

Toby: The sound of the drill is giving me a woody.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You certainly are---TROLL!!!

georgetheatheist said...

Announcing the new Fall TV series:

"This Old Louse" starring Bob Feelher.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You certainly are---TROLL!!!

I'm not the author of that comment,but i think it was a play on words. No?

Anonymous said...

BORING....piercing....a cylindrical hole (websters)

Moby said...

"I'd leave politics
if I could find a husband with a rig like that"!

Stink-zitsky said...

Beats a hand powered dildo!
There goes my arthritis of the wrist again.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
BORING....piercing....a cylindrical hole (websters)
You're boring me!

dull; repetitious; uninteresting

Anonymous said...

Can you show this to Evan? It may inspire him to make me a grandma!

Anonymous said...

also to BORE a hole/tunnel and the BORE of a pistol/gun.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
also to BORE a hole/tunnel and the BORE of a pistol/gun.
Still b-o-r-i-n-g!!!

Anonymous said...

f-----g commie......

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