Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Avella leaves Muslim parade in disgust

"On a beautiful September Sunday afternoon, not far from the scene of the infamous Islamic jihad attack in lower Manhattan, Democrat New York State Senator Tony Avella came face-to-face with Muslim hatred for America and he did something that few people have the courage to do. He got up from his seat as a VIP Marshall of the 27th annual New York Muslim Parade and stormed off the stage in disgust! Over one thousand Muslims in the audience and the large group of Muslim community leaders were shocked that the Senator would walk off the stage, even before it was his turn to speak. But, Tony Avella had enough of the blatant tirade of hate against America by "moderate" Muslim dignitaries and his love for America was more important than embarrassing a group of Muslim "wolves in sheep's clothing." Sure, the Muslim cultural jihadi's had the first amendment right to condemn America (which they could never do in their home countries) but Senator Avella had the right to exit, stage left!! Our hats are off to Senator Avella for taking a very public stand on a critically important issue."


Joe Moretti, Jamaica, NY said...

Big Kudos to New York State Senator Tony Avella for walking off of the stage in disgust over the anti-American comments by some Muslim leaders. Sure you are welcome to say whatever it is you want in the USA, freedom of speech, but if you want an international law against blasphemy toward your prophet Muhammad, you are welcome to go back to your native country, where freedom of speech does not exist to the extent as it does here. My questions is why even come here to America if you hate it so much and want to bring your outdated views to our modern society. Wouldn't it just make sense to stay in your home country where everyone thinks alike. It is such incidents like this which does not help the Muslim cause in the USA. I thought this was supposed to be a parade celebrating your culture not condemning the country you call home. Most immigrants come to the USA for a better life and to be proud of their new country and all the freedoms that it offers, not to try and change it to reflect their homeland. You are always welcome to leave.

Anonymous said...

Can someone quote the supposed anti-American comments?

georgetheatheist said...

Yankee Doodle went to town
A-riding on a pony,
Stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni'.
Yankee Doodle keep it up,
Yankee Doodle dandy,
Mind the music and the step,
And with the girls be handy.
Father and I went down to camp,
Along with Captain Gooding,
And there we saw the men and boys
As thick as hasty pudding.
There was Captain Washington,
Upon a slapping stallion,
Giving orders to his men-
I guess there were a million.

Anonymous said...

Thank You Tony for doing what needed to be done. There is no room in America for the hate that the muslims foster. We know they are at war with us and it's time everyone recognized it.

georgetheatheist said...

Gotta go to Mo's.

Anonymous said...

It's all about the money. Muslims hate America, but love the American dollar and the opportunities that don't exist in their countries. If they love Allah and their countries that much, they should go back home. Good for Avella. At least he had the guts to walk out -- not like most liberal, bleeding heart politicians. God Bless America!

Anonymous said...

They have a right to say whatever they want, and Tony has a right to not sit there and look like a clown in doing so. I really don't see what the problem is. World leaders routinely walk out on hateful speakers at the UN (that knitwit from Iran comes to mind).

This country has a lot of problems but if you hate it that much and have citzenship elsewhere, please feel free to leave at any time. Really, no one will miss you.

Anonymous said...

Why does following a religion that says do not depict the prophet, and wanting to abide by that religious standard automatically make someone anti-American?
There is a value conflict between what their religion says and what our Constitutional freedoms are. Holding to their religious beliefs and teachings does not necessarily make them anti-American.

Queens Crapper said...

Calling for the UN, the USA and Obama to basically suspend the first amendment and enact blasphemy laws because people who disagree with them are "blasphemous" is anti-American.

Did you even watch the video?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I didn't hear the US or Obama mentioned.

And it's not because people disagree with them, it's because the depiction of Mohammed is defined as blasphemous by the religion. I'm not saying they are right, only that I can empathize with why they feel strongly about something that is central to their religion.

Anonymous said...

The narrator explained what they said in the beginning of the video. The video only shows a small sample of what was said.

Anonymous said...

It would have been helpful for the video to include a clip that supported what the narrator said to back up his claim.
To claim that a persons said one thing, and then show a clip of them saying something else seems unusual.

Anonymous said...

They didn't say something else.

If there are laws passed by the UN and the US is part of the UN, then the US has to pass laws to conform with what the UN dictates. The first amendment allowed these asswipes to get up there and spew their nonsense in the first place, yet they would be happier if they had no say at all so that Muhammed would not be criticized. A bigger bunch of retards this country could not ask for.

Anonymous said...

"If there are laws passed by the UN and the US is part of the UN, then the US has to pass laws to conform with what the UN dictates."

Absolutely wrong. As much as the progressives would like this to be the case, the Constitution trumps anything the UN can come up with.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Senator Avella for standing up for our country and not bowing down to these terrorists who believe in a backward religion and way of life.

Anonymous said...

What an impressive piece of PR shit!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that somebody in office is finally getting fed up with their nonsense.

Anonymous said...

#17, have you ever heard of Mayor Rudy, Pres. G.Bush,Cong. King, Cong. Bachman ,etc ?

of course their DEM. counter parts from NYS/NYC have been silent mostly.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"If there are laws passed by the UN and the US is part of the UN, then the US has to pass laws to conform with what the UN dictates."

Has to? Spoken like a true moron. Sounds like someone indoctrinated by Agenda 21.

georgetheatheist said...

Also storming off and seen in the video is Brooklyn Councilwoman Letitia James.


Let's go to the video tape.

The "articulate" English woman (from the sub-titles):

"We have the unborn martyrs in our wombs and drop bombs in here in mines in minefields. They (Palestinians) resonate in refugee camps and housed by Zionist Nazis."

With that last sentence Grand Marshall Avella gets up and leaves.

The Interviewer: "What offended you?"
Avella: "I'm not going to get into it...I don't want to ruin the event for somebody else."

A translation. An analysis, p-u-l-e-e-z-e. A penny for your thoughts.

Queens Crapper said...

Interesting that Robert Jackson didn't seem to object.

Anonymous said...

Crappy: Who is Robert Jackson?

Joe said...

As expected from a bunch of animals !
What Im upset about is why does he need a press person to open her big fat mouth?
This woman with an accent attempts to blow the reporter off with a "thank you" then "goodbye"
WTF Avella cant speak for himself, he should have told it AS HE SAW IT !!
WTF is Avella doing marching (trying to make friends) with these savages in the first place ? I'm very disappointed Avella should have KNOW BETTER these people cant be schmoozed.
These people only see the world as "Islam" (house of peace) or road to become Islam in the future (House of war)
I know Avella means well but he clearly doesn't know what kind of mindset he is dealing with here.

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella for mayor.

Anonymous said...

Why does following a religion that says do not depict the prophet, and wanting to abide by that religious standard automatically make someone anti-American?
There is a value conflict between what their religion says and what our Constitutional freedoms are. Holding to their religious beliefs and teachings does not necessarily make them anti-American.
I don't know, but the constant deadly attacks against Americans by the extremist fanatical factions of their so-called religion of peace might have something to do with it.

Anonymous said...

He will probably be forced to apoligize and attend an Islamic cultural sensitivity course by Monday. Oh, and donate a large sum of money to CAIR to make ammends.

Anonymous said...

Any religion that that states every other religion is false has no place in the USA.........

Anonymous said...

I thought that those wolves f--k 'em.
Oops, my mistake, I just heard that they prefer goats!

Anonymous said...

Senator Avella deserves a meda!.

But Prez Barak Hussein Obama
will definitely not be awarding him one.

Anonymous said...

Watch your back Tony.
The radical Muslims be putting out a "fatta (?)" on you.

Anonymous said...

The rest of the CIVILIZED world
needs to SLAM this brand of Islam
Maybe it's time for another crusade.

Anonymous said...

I wonder...
how many Muslim votes that action cost Avella?

No matter...
he stood up like an honest man
and did the right thing.

He appeared at the event
because he thought this group was civilized.
There was nothing wrong with that.

He left when vitriolic hated was being spewed!

Anonymous said...

And the NYPD was highly criticized
for maintaining surveillance on Muslims?

HELL...I'd implant a tracking chip in every one of them!

Anonymous said...

As Bruce Willis might say,
"Yippie ti yay! Avella for Congress!"

Anonymous said...

Isn't it time for to cut funding
for all those college campus Muslim student clubs?

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't see a jellyfish like Gary Ackerman
walking off stage.

We need more backbone like Tony's in government!

Anonymous said...


I think that Senator Avella
just cornered the market on the Jewish vote.

I hate to bring this up but...
uh...maybe he did his math before he took
that action.

XXXXXXX Muslim votes,

Ya nevah know
what's on the mind of any career politician.

Anonymous said...

Well, this certainly was a photo op coupe de gras.
I salute him though!

Ahrnold said...

Itz der 21st century man.
Take off der girly man skirts already.

Anonymous said...

Senator Avella has the people's priorities straight.

Big Hairy Balls said...

It's about time we see leaders exhibiting some spine. The Muslim world is a threat to the US & the rest of the free world. Obama should be taking notes right now to see how it's done. God bless Mr. Avella. Long live Israel! Long live Queens Crapper! Death to Iran! Death to the Palestinians! Long live my AMAZING NYC pension!

Anonymous said...

the depiction of Mohammed is defined as blasphemous by the religion. I'm not saying they are right, only that I can empathize with why they feel strongly about something that is central to their religion.

If they cant handle what this country is about, if they cant find middle ground between the law and their religion, then those savages shouldnt bother coming here.

It is as simple as that.

Rodney Queens said...

Can't we all just get along?

Anonymous said...

Any religion that that states every other religion is false has no place in the USA.........

Isn't that pretty much every religion?

Anonymous said...

Tony has always taken the high-road on ethics.
He consistently criticized the "lulu" ($tipend) in the City Council and never took a dime of it during his terms as CM. He felt it was an undeserved bonus for just doing your job.
He consistently rallied for term-limits, even when it meant he would be losing his job.
He routinely refuses to do backroom deals that will benefit him or a special interest group because he feels they are unethical and undermine the integrity of his office.
He stood up and walked out on this parade of bigots. When asked at the end of the video for comment, at a time when he could have grabbed headlines, he simply and HUMBLY said no, he didn't want to ruin the event for anyone else.
You can say what you want about Tony Avella, but his ethics are the best and purest that I've ever seen in any politician in my lifetime.

Anonymous said...

i have been critical of avella's copying John liu's tactics for using the media for photo ops, but i am impressed with his leaving the Muslim grandstand.
the video/audio was not clear on my laptop. i would like to read details of what was said by the Muslim speakers that day.

i am positive that patriots like avella and myself would have left also.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Any religion that that states every other religion is false has no place in the USA.........

Isn't that pretty much every religion?

Benny16 said...

Tony Avella.

Sancto subito.

Anonymous said...

No mention of this incident in any local newspaper, interesting.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No mention of this incident in any local newspaper, interesting.

Where was the media on this story?

Anonymous said...

"Isn't that pretty much every religion?"

But not every religion believes in killing non-believers.

Anonymous said...

one wonders how the Coptic Christian ,Egyptian born, embezzler/film trailer maker , will fend for himself in a prison in California.

where many of the inmates have converted to the muslim religion and are counseled by the local mullahs ?
a tv spot of his front yard showed a christian statue at the doorway.

recently ,it has been reported that many Coptic Christians have been murdered in the Middle East.

Anonymous said...

I know a local news editor that didn't know about it and he's pissed. Said he might do something next week even though itll be late cuz it's important.

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