Sunday, August 12, 2012

Traffic issues never resolved

From the Times Ledger:

The same traffic problems have plagued College Point since the 1980s, an old study shows, yet civic leaders said continuing development and a lack of capital improvements are making gridlock even worse.

The new mixed-use Gelmart building, on 20th Avenue, is the latest to stir up concerns over congestion. The 147,000-square-foot building that once housed a rubber and bra factory will now house a variety of businesses, including a 114-room hotel, a Chinese grocery story, a gym and a 300-person seafood and sushi buffet.

But those associated with the project, called Point 128, said the city should do more to alleviate traffic in the area.

“I think it’s more of an issue of the city of New York not handling how traffic should work,” said Peter Reyes, general manager of the hotel. “It’s not just industry anymore, and a lot of people have concerns.”

And those concerns go back a long way.

A 1984 traffic study conducted by Urbitran stated “although minor improvements ... will reduce or eliminate the traffic congestion presently experienced at the site, they will not be capable to support any additional development within the Corporate Park.”

The study stated that an additional exit off the Whitestone Expressway at Ulmer Street, which is right by the College Point Police Academy currently under construction, would be one of the only ways to reduce traffic.

But it was never built.


Anonymous said...

“I think it’s more of an issue of the city of New York not handling how traffic should work,” said Peter Reyes, general manager of the hotel. “It’s not just industry anymore, and a lot of people have concerns.”

Ya think? Trying stuffing 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag. What do ya get? College Point! And where are those fabulous community leaders who have also allowed this to occur? Out of sight and out of their minds.

Anonymous said...

How the hell do you alleviate traffic congestion in College Point with only 2 access roads (14th & 20th Avenues) leading into it?

Soon, people will begin to shun Target, BJs, Best Buy, etc. (in favor of Long Island locations) because of major traffic back-ups.

Then there go those businesses...
BA-WHOOSH...right down the crapper!

The Chinese will then complete the takeover of this area that they've wanted for over 25 years.

We'll simply have to learn to live with the filth, pollution and over-congestion like they have in Beijing.

After all,
isn't this slated to become the "Chinese century"?

And you can thank the retiring Congressman Ackerman for handing over the key to the Orientals, in exchange for the laundered campaign cash he's been getting for years.

Yuan, anyone?

Anonymous said...

Soon, people will begin to shun Target, BJs, Best Buy, etc. (in favor of Long Island locations) because of major traffic back-ups.

Right, because LI doesn't have it's own traffic problems.

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