Sunday, August 26, 2012

Rockaway repairs taking too long

From NY1:

Workers were out on the Rockaway Beach boardwalk Wednesday repairing a portion damaged almost a year ago, and has some residents wondering why it's been taking so long.

"I think that Rockaway Beach for whatever, gets ignored for whatever reason, I don't know," said one Rockaway resident.

The boardwalk and beach area received significant damage when Irene plowed through last August. Some of the damage remains like parts of the boardwalk where surging waters destroyed walls that help keep the sand on the beach.

The city Parks Department says it's starting to make progress. A new ramp to the beach is nearly complete after some fits and starts.

"We needed some permits, we needed obviously to have the money in place, and then hire a contractor, and then they need to procure supplies, some of the supplies took longer to obtain than others," said Parks Department Rockaway Administrator Jill Weber.

In other words, it's typical NYC bureaucracy at work.


Anonymous said...

Its honest graft - they don't have money for you and me but they have money for the developers and their friends.

Anonymous said...

Spend $5 million, spend $10 million, make it a Roman Triumph!!

Boss Tweed

Anonymous said...

Has anyone considered precast concrete boardwalks- offer a similiar look and feel as wood planks because they're not massive concrete slabs. Check out their website

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