Friday, July 20, 2012

Major Mark Park has major trash

From the Daily News:

It’s been almost 40 years since a bright red sculpture was installed in a small park along Hillside Ave. in Jamaica as a temporary piece of public art.

The piece — known as both “Wingdale” and “Untitled,” by sculptor Roger Bolomey — has been there ever since. Its bright red has turned slightly orange as city workers covered up graffiti and the ravages of time.

The abstract steel sculpture got a top-to-bottom facelift last week as part of the Citywide Monuments Conservation Program, a public-private partnership.

The temporary base, held down by sandbags, was removed and a new concrete base poured, allowing the bottom half of the sculpture to be viewed for the first time since it came to Major John Mark Park on Hillside Ave. and 173rd St. in 1973.

So this ugly thing is worthy of restoration, but Civic Virtue isn't? Meanwhile, here's Joe Moretti's take:

"Today I read in the Daily News how the sculpture “Wingdale” by Roger Bolomey is getting a makeover in Major Mark Park. Not one of my favorite pieces of art, but at least there is art in that park. Now, if only the entire park got a garbage makeover. I am sure Major John W. Mark would be rolling over in his grave if he could see the park that was named in his honor. Every time I walk through that park there is always a ton of garbage all over it and tonight (July 17th) was no exception. It was in the worst condition that I have seen it - and I have seen it bad - although my photos just do not do it justice since it was so widespread.

Of course, the park was filled with the kinds of people who more than likely created all this garbage, and they sat all around this crap and their kids played in this crap and more than likely added more crap throughout the night. And let's not forget the homeless who have made the park their home and personal toilet. This is all very reminiscent of Tompkins Square, circa 1985.

Again, another example of some of the fine people living in Jamaica who have destroyed this park (along with many other parts of Jamaica) and the politicians and leaders who are just not addressing this or finding solutions to this 'major' problem, no pun intended.

There is something very ironic about a park named after a US Army major who sacrificed his life for our country so that the new class of the bottom of the rung immigrants here in Jamaica can turn it into a piece of shit. Now, I say immigrants because as I walked through the park there was no sight of an African-American or a Caucasian anywhere and English was not the majority of the language spoken - nor was it the minority - hell, it was not even in existence. So when the powers to be decide to put some NO LITTERING signs in this park, they might want to think about putting them in some other languages as well (Urdu, Arabic or Spanish). No judgment calls here (I come from a family of immigrants, some who never learned the English language), but just good old-fashioned observations.

Now, Roy Wilkins Parks tends to be very clean as does Cunningham Park and even Captain Tilly Park, but somehow Major Mark Park always has garbage morning, afternoon and night. Even King Manor Park tends to be cleaner, some of the time.

Just calling it like it is, since most of you would not or could not do that, but maybe you at least can make an attempt to clean this park up and let Major John W. Mark have his dignity back."

Joe Moretti

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Queens political crap machine has turned Queens ino a festering cesspool of crap. It's time for a Revolution my friends!

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