Friday, July 13, 2012

Hey, that rust is supposed to be there!

From Curbed:

The developer of East on East—the rusting steel-clad building on Jackson Avenue in Hunters Point—wants to clarify a few points raised by critics who don't like the modernist building inspired by painter Piet Mondrian and sculptor Richard Serra. Amol Sarva does not dispute that the building is rusting, but says that this is by design and any negative repercussions are simply signs of a work in progress.

"The complainers about rust on the sidewalk are wrong - the sidewalk is the pre-construction sidewalk and the finished facade system does incorporate a gutter system that catches all the runoff. Only the final sewer drain connection for that gutter is pending, which is why we haven't repaved yet.


Ned said...

What the hell kind of a building or structure is supposed to rust and go down the drain ?
The architect Piere Mondrian should be shipped back to France on a gondola.

Anonymous said...

But rust is so cool and the spoiled brats of LIC love it .

Anonymous said...

Actually, exposed steel intended to "rust" has been in use for years now. It actually develops its own protective coating, at least as good as priming and painting. Maintenance-wise, it's a better deal.

Anonymous said...

As I recall, Richard Serra's rusted sculptures weren't too popular either. Remember Tilted Arc?

Anonymous said...

Anon. 3: I'm calling BS on that. Can you provide a link to a photo of an attractive building over 10 years old "intended to rust".

Rust is decay.

Anonymous said...

The Statue of Liberty didn't start out looking green ...

Maggie said...

Ned - Piet Mondrian was an artist, not an architect. Just FYI. And he's no longer living.

Anonymous said...

That copper oxide green on Lady Liberty is much more photogenic than an uneven rusty brown. Even the color is off. The rendering shown on Curbed is a lighter color.

Anonymous said...

We will say it again and again - these buildings are thrown together over brownfields and are in a flood zone.

After the shine wears off, they will be teaming warrens of FOBs (Fresh Off the Boat).

Van Bramer & Gianaris will have gone on to other things (hopefully the public will have caught on to their phoniness by then) and the developers will have made their money knowing that you and me, dear taxpayer, will foot the bill when these soon to be uninhabitable buildings get torn down.

Only a fool would invest their money in LIC.

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