Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DEP working on Hollis flood relief

From the Daily News:

Every time the weather forecast predicts rain, residents of several Hollis blocks leave work or cut their vacations short to secure their homes against floods.

Homeowners on the corner of 90th Ave. and 183rd St. have lobbied the city for decades to install sewers that will alleviate the flooding that overwhelms their streets and basements with anywhere from several inches to several feet of water and raw sewage.

Now, the city is installing a new storm water sewer on nearby 90th Ave. and 182nd St., angering residents and local officials who note that 183rd St. is the lowest point in area. Water runs down to their block when it rains heavily and has cost them tens of thousands of dollars in damages, they said.

But work on a new storm water system on their block is in the planning stages and isn’t slated to start until next summer, according to the city Department of Environmental Protection. The agency is looking for opportunities to move the start date forward.

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