Thursday, July 12, 2012

DCA finds lots of shady contractors

From AM-NY:

In a two-month inspection sweep targeting Queens and Staten Island, the Department of Consumer Affairs found one in five contractors operating without a license, the DCA announced Wednesday.

Seventy-two vehicles were seized by the agency and those caught working illegally face fines between $175,000 and $250,000.


Anonymous said...

They are easy to spot.

If you ask what they do, and they say "concerte and masonry" or something like that, they are likely legit.

If they claim they are expert roofers, tilers, masons, plumbers, electricians, framers, paitners, cabinet makers, landscapers, etc, etc, they are likely not. These are the ones that will claim they can do anything so long as they can get a buck for it.

Jack of all trades, master of none.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think the investigation money would be better spent trying to find a contractor who runs an operation that is 100% completely above board.

Anonymous said...

311 does not go after unlicensed contractors. The city can make tons of $$ catching these guys in Queens every spring & summer and choose not to do so. Like shooting fish in a barrel - let's fire Govt!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who says they're an expert at everything is obviously full of it, but it is possible to greatly skilled in a few different areas, but when people try to take on jobs that they are not skilled in, they just end up screwing themselves in the end. I have no problem telling a potential customer, "I'm sorry, but the job you're asking me to do is outside of the realm of what I am comfortable taking on. I just applied for Home Improvement contractors license, to make myself legit. I think it's the right thing to do. I have no problem being part of the legitimate business community.

Roofing Queens said...

Always ask to see their licenses, their insurance, and bond papers if possible. After that ask for city certification. If you don't, you deserve to be walking into a trap.

-Adam Ahmedb

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