Sunday, May 20, 2012

Quinn says she doesn't work for the little people

From Bloomberg News:

Donny Moss, who blogs for, says Quinn backed the term-limits extension for Bloomberg because her own mayoral prospects were tarnished. The New York Post in 2008 reported that she participated in a practice, which predated her leadership, whereby money was allocated to fictitious organizations so it could be doled out to community groups later in the budget year.

Quinn ended the practice and instituted rules that required council members’ names to be linked with any appropriations of discretionary funding. A federal investigation closed in 2011, without any action taken, Quinn has said.

“She has betrayed the public trust by overturning term limits, by stripping the City Council of the democratic process, using discretionary funds and committee assignments to control the way council members vote,” Moss said in an interview.

Quinn shrugged off the criticism.

“I don’t work for them,” she said. “My job is not to make some random no-name blogger happy. My job is to get things done, and that means working with and for everyone who can help move agendas forward.”

So she has told us point blank that she doesn't work for the citizens of our fair city, she works for lobbyists, developers and other assorted fat cats. What she wants is more important than what we want.

True News agrees.


Alan said...

Congratulations to Queens Crap. Ya made it to 5,000,000!!! Thanks for keeping it real. Keep up the great work. You are making a difference.

Anonymous said...

she isn't the only dem. working for the lobbyists.

Washington Free Beacon, Bill McMorris,5/18/12, reports that two dem lobbyists were paid over $1 MILLION, after the GM bailout by taxpayers of $70 Billion was finalized.

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