Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Owner seeks to build on garden he just planted

From the Daily News:

Singh said the next step is seeing if they will help him work with the city to develop on the property. He was told the lot is just 100 square feet shy of the requirement to build.

And here comes the BSA application due to an "irregular shaped piece of property!" Didn't I tell you so?


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Whining that he can't development on the land...

Isn't that the sort of thing that you check before you purchase a property?

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the sort of thing that you check before you purchase a property?

Yes. And im sure when he did, then he brought it up during negotiations "this land is worthless, sell it to me cheaper!"

And now that he has, now he will claim hardship.

Had he bought "legal" land, he couldn't make as much profit.

Deceitful from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

What is going on with the investigation of the Councilman. Anything?

Anonymous said...

What is going on with the investigation of the Councilman. Anything?

things are happening

Anonymous said...

did not the Asian landlord and donor of John liu and koo build a day care center on the bed of the street at 196-29 42 avenue (corner of F.L.B.), while democrat electeds were in office , beginning in 2008 ?

the then district 19 Cm. said" NADA" in the press.
on past Q.C comments Graziano (zonig king ) was unsure about the above.

the landlord paid about two million dollars to demolish the 1950's dwelling and half demolished eye-sore on the adjacent lot.
liu was Chmn. of the Transportation committee at the city council and they had to approve of this. i wonder if Martha Starks aide was on the B.S.A. then.

Dem. SEN. C. Schumer's wife Iris was D.O.T.Commissioner then.

the scaffolding is off and preparing for the 250 child massive vehicle congestion across from the 350 Pupil P.S.130 Q.

set up the camera, this should be a great photo op for the local democrats!!!!

Anonymous said...

They ought to "plant" the owner
in his garden.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 6:

English translation, please?

Anonymous said...

Sorry but if the lot is 100 sq.feet too small then you can't build on it. The end. There's a reason they have these regulations-And all of us in overdeveloped areas know that proprty owners are trying to overbuild in areas that are supposed to have low density housing and gardens, trees, one/two family homes etc. enjoy your garden a-hole

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