Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day in Woodhaven


Joe said...

Sad day for the freedoms our people died for, especially in Queens
Bloomberg, Chuck and the senile wretch just showed in Little Neck with a small army of "protection" and select press people with cameras walking with them.
They were all fat (perhaps wearing flack jackets ?) underneath including the mayor.
Cops were pushing people around making viewers step 2 feet behind the sidewalk line.

The Adult toy & video store (formally Sals Pizza) was open. Just as I was setting up the shot seconds before the pols walked past 2 plane clothes policemen dressed in brown pants with small knapsacks blocked and interrupted me from taking a photo.
They asked what press credentials or agency I worked for, asked some bullshit questions, my ID and DOB then said “OK enjoy the parade”
I hope the Mayor and Chuck are real proud of themselves.
You can bet I will be getting a tax audit next year

Anonymous said...

my location at the L/N/-Douglaston parade was at St. Anastasia's church.
doomsberg in shirt, with 10 security around him, shook no taxpayer's hands. walked quickly to the S.U.V's and vanished.

did not see C.Schumer or his sign, he must have left before Marathon Ave.

Comptroller John Liu came to the end and taxpayers would not shake his extended hand. some one yelled "where is our money John ?" but he ignored the person.
citizens shook the person's hand in agreement.

for the second year ,Anthony Weiner did not march , with sign. i guess he was celebrating his "Weiner -versary " else where ?

The parade once again honored the U.S.war hero's who did not return to enjoy the good life in a free America.

The marching band,drill team, and R.O.T.C from Francis Lewis H.S were the class of the parade.

Radarman U.S.NAVY,U.S.S. Tanager,minesweeper ,Korean War ,1952

Anonymous said...

P.S. a black S.U.V attempted to drive around a fire truck in the parade line and created a near collision.

some one said it was Gov. Cuomo trying to get out faster. did he march at all , like 2010 , a candidate with 40 pals and signs ?

Anonymous said...

St. Anastasia's is baggie pants "B Line to the Cross Island Long Island Parkway (Whitestone parade). Some of the the others phoneys and there photographers and undercover gestapo's hopped vans bound for the LIE via Little Neck parkway after 3 or 4 blocks.

Its quite interesting to see how these PHONY FAKE BASTARD politicians, hired police & press people operate.
Its very much like Hitler's first operated fooling millions of Germans with propaganda films, posed photos and "re-education" or death to anybody who questioned his vision of things.

Think about it, there is no dam difference. Every element of it was there today down to the gestapo under-covers slapping civilization's camera lenses as the mayor walked past a porn shop & The Scobee Diner's boarded up bones.

Anonymous said...

I could be wrong, but from the last 4 posts, it sounds like someone didn't like the Little Neck parade.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 5:

They may have been enjoying something of a liquid variety at the parade.

Anonymous said...

The politicians ruined the parade and almost killed a couple people pushing them around.
S.U.V s with heavy tinted windows were racing down one way streets and around terrace circle. Some of these were in the parade itself.
A total hazard for any WWII veterans or kids trying to walk in the parade itself or anyplace.
I'm told Cuomo posed for photos walked a couple blocks then bailed behind Chuck into a black S.U.V

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